Estágios de Verão no CQM
Encontra-se aberto o período de manifestações de interesse para os “Estágios de Verão no CQM 2025”.O Centro de Química da Madeira (CQM) recebe todos os anos, durante o período d...
PSE Meeting 2025
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, CQM has the pleasure to announce that the PSE Meeting 2025 will take place in Madeira Island, Portugal, from 22nd to 24th October of 2025, at Meliá Madeira Ma...
CQM hosts visiting PhD student from ISA
As part of the collaboration between research groups at the CQM and the Instituto Superior de Agronomia of the University of Lisbon (ISA), the CQM welcomed doctoral student Joana Soares in January...
International collaboration with China promotes the exchange of researchers
The Madeira Chemistry Centre (CQM) is strengthening its collaboration with Chinese institutions, promoting the exchange of researchers and knowledge in the health field. In this context, Dr. Xiaod...
João Rodrigues elected Scientific Coordinator of CQM
Following the election process held at CQM, on 20th of January of 2025, Professor João Rodrigues was elected CQM Scientific Coordinator for a new term (2025-2026 biennium) at the head of the destinie...
A Química é Divertida® 2024
CQM's yearly event, "A Química é Divertida®" (Chemistry is Fun), will be held from 21 to 22 November 2024.For more information visit the official website: qdiv.cqm.uma.pt.
CQM in the world's top 2% scientists 2024
The Centro de Química da Madeira (CQM) is proud to announce that five of its researchers are ranked among the top 2% of the world’s most cited scientists, according to the latest data from Stanfo...
CQM Conferences
Within the aim of an Erasmus+ visit, CQM will receive three researchers from the Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy (Romania), who will give the following lectures:
11th CQM Annual Meeting
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) announces its 11th Annual Meeting to be held at the University of Madeira, Colégio dos Jesuítas Auditorium, from 03-04 October 2024. The mee...
Workshop on Atomic Spectroscopy
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) announces that it will be hosting an Atomic Spectroscopy Workshop on September 5, 2024, from 09h15 to 13h00. This event is organized in partnership wi...
Conference with Yulin Li
CQM will receive its former member, and first Chinese researcher, Professor Yulin Li (Engineering Research Center for Biomedical Materials of Ministry of Education, East China University of Science ...
Ocupação Científica de Jovens nas Férias 2024
Estão abertas as inscrições para os estágios de “Ocupação Científica de Jovens nas Férias 2024”, promovidos em colaboração pelo Centro de Química da Madeira (CQM) e a Fundação Ci...
Seminar on prospecting target ligand bioactive molecules
Professor Serge Mignani will be at the Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) next June 2024. He will be the invited lecturer of the Seminar "Innovative tools for prospecting target ligand bioactiv...
MAD-Nano24 Conference
It is a great privilege and pleasure to announce the MAD-Nano24: Madeira International Conference on Emerging Trends and Future of Nanomaterials for Human Health, in Funchal, Madeira Island, organiz...
Conference on molecularly imprinted polymers
During his ERASMUS+ program visit to CQM, Professor Bogdan-Cezar Iacob (University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Cluj-Napoca, Romania) will give a lecture on "Biomimetic molecular recognitio...
Last minute Conferences!
Two last minute conferences will take place at CQM, next 18 April 2024, Campus da Penteada, Classroom 20, from 16h00:
"Conductive nanobiocomposite based chemo-resistive transducers fo...
Last minute Conference!
Within the framework of a ERASMUS+ program, Jan Macak from the University of Pardubice and Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic), will be visiting CQM and present the lecture "Centr...
Seminars on organic catalysis and phase transfer catalysis
Within the framework of a ERASMUS+ program, Jolanta Jaśkowska and Kamila Tomera from Cracow University of Technology, Poland, will be visiting CQM and give two lectures on organic catalysis...
Estágios de Verão no CQM
Encontra-se aberto o período de manifestações de interesse para os “Estágios de Verão no CQM 2024”.O Centro de Química da Madeira (CQM) recebe todos os anos, durante o período d...
Seminar: COST Action "Adher'n Rise" - Signaling concepts and perspectives of Adhesion GPCR research
Registration is open for the seminar "Signaling concepts and perspectives of Adhesion GPCR research", to be held at CQM, on 09 February 2024. This lecture will be given by Ines Liebscher (Unive...
Last minute seminars
Next 14th and 15th December, 2023, the Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) will organize two seminars (by Zoom) with Professor Xiangyang Shi (CQM Senior Researcher and Vice Dean o...
Seminar: "Present drug-likeness filters in medicinal chemistry during the hit, lead, and clinical candidate optimization process: An analysis"
Next 13th December, 2023, the Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) will organize the seminar "Present drug-likeness filters in medicinal chemistry during the hit, lead, and clinical candidate opt...
Inv2Mac - III Final Results Disclosure Journey
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) has the pleasure to announce the III Final Results Disclosure Journey of the project Inv2Mac (MAC2/4.6d/229), which will be held at the University of Made...
Peditório da Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro na UMa
Núcleo Regional da Madeira da Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro realiza Peditório Nacional na Universidade da Madeira, no dia 03 de novembro de 2023.De forma a angariar fundos essenciais à luta con...
A Química é Divertida® 2023
CQM's yearly event, "A Química é Divertida®" (Chemistry is Fun), will be held from 23 to 24 November 2023.For more information visit the official website: www.uma.pt/quimicadiverti...
CQM in the world's top 2% scientists 2023
On 4 October 2023, Elsevier published data-update for "Udated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators" featured by Stanford University [link]. This year CQM is named in the...
Course: Hands-on training to use Design expert® (StatEase®) software for experiments design and optimization
Registration is open to all interested to attend the "Hands-on training to use Design expert® (StatEase®) software for experiments design and optimization". The course is organized by the Madeira ...
Ivo Martins awarded at international congress
Ivo Martins, researcher at the Madeira Chemistry Center (CQM), won the award for best oral communication at the international congress “Molecules 4 Life”, with the work entitled “Synthesis o...
Seminars with Professor Xiangyang Shi
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) has the pleasure to announce that Professor Xiangyang Shi (CQM Senior Researcher and Vice Dean of the College of Biological Science and Medical Eng...
Conference with Professor Makoto Fujita
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) will organize the conference "Coordination Self-Assembly: From Origins to the Latest Advances", to be presented by the recipient of the 2018 Wolf Prize ...
Ocupação Científica de Jovens nas Férias 2023
Estão abertas as inscrições para os estágios de “Ocupação Científica de Jovens nas Férias 2023”, promovidos em colaboração pelo Centro de Química da Madeira (CQM) e a Fundação Ci...
Seminar: Nanomedicine in oncology drug discovery
We are pleased to announce that Professor Serge Mignani will be back to the Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM), in June 2023, to offer us a new seminar about cancer, nanomedicine, and drug di...
Viticulture and Oenology in Poland
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) will organize, next 19th of May of 2023, the Last Minute Conference “Viticulture and Oenology in Poland”, with Prof. Justyna Dobrowol...
Course “From biomaterials to nanometals”
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) will organize, from 16th to 17th of May of 2023, the course "From biomaterials to nanometals", to be held at Sala 0.57, University ...
10th CQM Annual Meeting
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) announces its 10th Annual Meeting to be held at the University of Madeira, Senate Conference Room (Campus of Penteada), from 01-02 June 2023.&...
Last minute conferences!
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) will organize, next 21st of April of 2023, two "Last Minute Conferences", to be held at Sala do Senado, University of Madeira (Campus da Penteada), from...
Video of the interview given by Rita Castro, a CQM researcher, to the program “MADEIRA NOVOS TALENTOS + FUTURO”. An initiative of the Legislative Assembly of Madeira, in partnership with JM-Made...
CQM at "UMa Investiga"
The TV program "UMa Investiga" broadcasted yesterday, 22th of March of 2023, on RTP-Madeira was dedicated to CQM and its activities. Click here to view on RTP Play the interview to the CQM...
Open Calls for Ph.D. Junior Researchers
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) has opened two calls for the following positions:
Position 1 - Ph.D. Junior ResearcherArea: Electron microscopy and surface characterizationRef. 4...
Course: Nucleic acid secondary structures
As part of its advanced training activities for human resources, the Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) will organize, on the 16th and 17th of March of 2023, the course “Nucleic acid second...
Estágios de Verão no CQM
Encontra-se aberta a 1ª fase de manifestações de interesse aos “Estágios de Verão no CQM 2023”.O Centro de Química da Madeira (CQM) recebe todos os anos, durante o período de Verão, estu...
CQM Conferences - 10/02/2023
CQM announces the conference "Green Chemistry as a suitable strategy in food and environmental safety evaluation", with Professor Bárbara Socas Rodríguez, from the Department of Analytical Chemi...
João Rodrigues elected Scientific Coordinator of CQM
Following the election process held at CQM, on 20th of January of 2023, Professor João Rodrigues was elected CQM Scientific Coordinator for a new term (2023-2024 biennium) at the head of the destinie...
Winter School @ CQM "NMR Hands on Course"
From 06th to 08th of February of 2023 the Madeira Chemistry Research Centre will hold a new edition of the Winter School @CQM. Within this aim, Professor István Bányai is the invited l...
A Química é Divertida® 2022
CQM's yearly event, "A Química é Divertida®" (Chemistry is Fun), will be held from 24th to 25th November 2022.For more information visit the official website: www.uma.pt/quimicadivertida
Winter School @CQM 2022
From 05th to 09th of December of 2022 the Madeira Chemistry Research Centre will hold its first edition of the Winter School @CQM: Within this aim, Professor Serge Mignani will present t...
CQM in the world's top 2% scientists
Six CQM researchers (one more than in 2021) are among the world's top 2% scientists recently featured by Stanford University and Elsevier[1]. Of these 6 researchers, 3 are young researchers, and the...
Ph.D. Student Research Fellowship
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) opens a call for granting 1 (one) Ph.D. studentship in the specific area of Nanochemistry and Nanomaterials: “Development of nanomaterials oriented to...
'Ciência Viva' in the Laboratory
Last week, from 11-15 July 2022, the internships of "Scientific Occupation of Young People on Vacation 2022 (Ciência Viva in the Laboratory)" took place at the Madeira Chemistry Research Ce...
9th CQM Annual Meeting
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) announces its 9th CQM Annual Meeting to be held at the University of Madeira, Auditorium of Colégio dos Jesuítas, from 28th to 30th September 202...
Internships Welcome Reception
The CQM will have a welcome reception for its new trainees recently admitted under the programs “Summer Internships for University Students” and “Ingress@”. The 21 new interns are joining th...
CQM Conferences
CQM announces the conference "The Flavor Chemistry of Fortified Wines", with Prof. Matteo Bordiga (Food Chemistry, Biotechnology and Nutrition Unit, Università del Piemonte Orientale "A. Avogadro...
CQM Talks
Within the aim of the CQM TALKS, we have the pleasure to announce the seminar "Thirty years in a big pharmaceutical industry: Lessons learned", by Professor Serge Mignani (Université Paris D...
Estágios de Verão 2022
Encontra-se aberta a 1ª fase de manifestações de interesse aos “Estágios de Verão no CQM 2022”.Todos os anos, o CQM recebe estudantes universitários e recém-licenciados para estágios de ...
Happy Chinese New Year!
CQM wishes you all a Happy Chinese New Year! Chinese New Year 2022 will fall on Tuesday, February 1st, starting a year of the Tiger.
A Química é Divertida 2021
CQM's yearly event, "A Química é Divertida®" (Chemistry is Fun), will be held from 25th to 26th November 2021.For more information visit the official website: www.uma.pt/quimicadivertida
8th CQM Annual Meeting
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) announces its 8th CQM Annual Meeting to be held at the University of Madeira, from 7th to 8th October 2021. More information here. This meetin...
XV Encontro de Química dos Alimentos
O XV Encontro de Química dos Alimentos: Estratégias para a Excelência, Autenticidade, Segurança e Sustentabilidade Alimentar, terá lugar de 5 a 8 de setembro de 2021, no Funchal, Ilha da Madeir...
Ocupação Científica de Jovens nas Férias
De 19 a 23 de julho de 2021, realizou-se nas instalações do Centro de Química da Madeira, Universidade da Madeira, sob a coordenação do investigador sénior do CQM, Prof. Pedro Pires, m...
CQM Talks - 5th July 2021
“Using Gene Therapy Approaches to Prevent Pandemics” by Luís Santos (AstraZeneca, USA). CQM introduces the CQM TALKS, a new cycle of conferences with the aim of presenting...
New call for a PhD researcher
It is open an international selection procedure for hiring a PhD researcher through the Programmatic Funding of the R&D Unit, Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) (UIDP/00674/2020), Reference...
Soulicor visita o CQM
O CQM recebeu no dia 19 de março de 2021, para uma visita de trabalho, os membros da Direcção da Empresa Soulicor, Cláudia Rodrigues e Manuel Sousa. A visita às nossas instalações foi conduzida...
Visita da 6ª Comissão Permanente de Educação, Desporto e Cultura da Assembleia Legislativa da RAM ao CQM
Na passada quarta-feira, dia 17 de Março, o Centro de Química da Madeira (CQM), recebeu nas suas instalações, os deputados do PSD – Partido Social Democrático, integrantes da 6ª Comissão Perm...
CQM recognized as Excellent
The CQM makes public that after the international evaluation process, for the period 2013-2017, promoted by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology to all research units, and upon our c...
Call for a Post-doc fellowship
It is open a call for a Post-doc fellowship until 12th of March 2021. More information here.
Webinar: "Small is wonderful: an introduction to nanomedicine"
Dr. Jaison, a Senior researcher at CQM, delivered a guest lecture entitled 'Small is wonderful: an introduction to nanomedicine' to the undergraduates and Postgraduate students of SVKM’s Dr. Bhanu...
CQM wishes you all a Happy Chinese New Year which falls on Friday, February 12th, 2021.
Welcome Joana and Ignacio!
Last February 1st, Joana Pinto (junior researcher), from the University of Madeira, and Ignacio Relaño (visiting researcher), from the University Autonomous of Madrid, Spain, officially became...
Welcome Gustaf Rathfelder!
The newest reinforcement for the technical and laboratory support team of CQM started his activities last monday, January 18th.Gustaf Rathfelder, Professional Technician certified by the Free Univer...
Call for a PhD researcher
It is open an international selection procedure for hiring a PhD researcher through the Programmatic Funding of the R&D Unit, Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) (UIDP/00674/2020), Reference...
Call for PhD applications
A call for PhD applications is open until 18th of December 2020.
UMa e SESARAM vencem Prémio Pfizer
Investigadores da UMa e do SESARAM vencem Prémio Pfizer da Sociedade Portuguesa de PneumologiaJosé Câmara e Pedro Berenguer, Investigadores do Centro de Química da Madeira (CQM), Irene Camacho, ...
A Química é Divertida 2020
CQM's yearly event, "A Química é Divertida®" (Chemistry is Fun), will be held on 24th November 2020. Unfortunately, we are celebrating the 25 years of activities under the pandemic situation so t...
Agradecimento aos voluntários/investigadores do CQM que participaram no Peditório Nacional da Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro
O Centro de Química da Madeira agradece aos voluntários/investigadores do CQM, Joselin Aguiar, João Gonçalves, Ana Olival, Helena Chá-chá, Lydia dos Orfãos, Duarte Fernandes, Vera Alves, Tere...
SESARAM visits the Madeira Chemistry Research Center / SESARAM visita o Centro de Química da Madeira
Last Thursday, the Madeira Chemistry Research Center received a visit from SESARAM (RAM Health Service), represented by its President of the Board of Directors, Dr. Rafaela Fernandes, and by the Mem...
Núcleo Regional da Madeira da Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro realiza peditório Nacional na UMa no dia 30 de outubro
Núcleo Regional da Madeira da Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro realiza peditório Nacional na Universidade da Madeira, dia 30 de outubro. Participe! Todos contam! Este ano, o Peditório N...
CQM highlighted in the special issue of "Essential Madeira islands". From Madeira to the world!
Read all the information here.
Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM *) welcomes the students of 1st cycle in Biochemistry
To mark the start of the new academic year, the Madeira Chemistry Research Centre prepared, on the morning of last Tuesday, October 7, an informal welcome reception for the 24 students enrolled in...
Project BlueHuman video presentation
We are inside the consortium to valorize Madeira Atlantic Area. The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) is part of the project “BlueHuman: Blue biotechnology as a road for innovat...
New CQM members officially took office
Last week, 4 new researchers officially took over as members of the Madeira Chemistry Research Center (CQM). On Monday, September 21, within the scope of the “7th CQM Annual Meeting”, he...
7th CQM Annual Meeting ongoing
The 7th CQM Annual Meeting is taking place at the Auditorium of Jesuítas, in Funchal, until 22nd of September 2020. The opening session held yesterday was attended by José Carmo, the Rector of t...
Future collaborations in the health area
On September 11, the Chemistry Center of Madeira (CQM*) received the entrepreneur, Eng. Carlos Saraiva and Dr. Eurico Castro Alves, President of the National Health Convention and CEO of WiseHS fo...
Application for Master Programs at UMa
The Department of Chemistry of the University of Madeira (UMa) has an open call for applications for the following Master Programs, until 28th of August 2020:
From China to Madeira
From China to Madeira
Interview to Huang Wei, Ph.D. student at CQM
7th CQM Annual Meeting
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) announces its 7th CQM Annual Meeting to be held at the University of Madeira, from 21st to 22nd September 2020. More information here.
"CQM Fan Club" visits CQM
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) has received, today, in its laboratories, and by the invitation of the "CQM Fan Club", a group of 6 students from Francisco Franco Secondary School for ...
Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) rehearses a new operational strategy in its "Laboratory of the Future"
CQM introduced in its "Laboratory of the Future", a system for optimizing resources and increasing productivity based on the Kaizen 5 S's strategy - Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize and Sust...
Graphic Standards Manual of CQM
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) recognizes the importance of a unique and consistent graphic image in an institution's identity. Therefore, we recently created the CQM’s brand style ...
1st of July - Day of the Autonomous Region of Madeira and Madeiran Communities
Officially named “Madeira Autonomous Region and Madeiran Communities Day”, the Madeira Day celebrates the autonomy of the Autonomous Region of Madeira granted by Portugal in the Portugue...
Meeting between CQM and BRAL Company
On the morning of the 24th of June 2020, the Scientific Coordinator of CQM, Prof. João Rodrigues, met with the Management of the company BRAL at the CQM facilities to discuss the promotion of...
Master's Defense at CQM
On June 17th 2020, took place, at the University of Madeira (Campus da Penteada), the public discussion of the dissertation "Dendrimers - The Fluorination Approach" of the Master's Degree in Nanoc...
Master's Defense at CQM
The public discussion of the dissertation "Laponite-based Nanogels for Bone Tissue Regeneration: Optimization and efficacy studies" from the Master in Applied Biochemistry took place on the 5th of...
CQM integrates national network for the discovery of new drugs
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) is a founding member of PT-OPENSCREEN, a network recently created in Portugal, whose main objective is to create an infrastructure of high-throughput sc...
CQM participates in nine projects worth 1.65 million euros
In the recent call “Concurso para Financiamento de Projetos de Investigação Científica e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico em Todos os Domínios Científicos – 2020” organized by the Fundaçã...
CQM investigates dogs as possible covid-19 detectors
CQM, in cooperation with regional institutions, is investigating the possibility of using dogs as detectors of COVID-19 even when patients are asymptomatic.
CQM produces sanitizer solution for Dr. Nélio Mendonça Hospital
In the current context of the COVID19 pandemic, the Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM), in close collaboration with IASAUDE/SESARAM and with the support of the Chemistry Department of t...
25 de Abril - Dia da Liberdade
Feliz Dia da Liberdade!
Protection masks offered to CQM
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) has received, today, an offer of protective masks from China that will be distributed to researchers who, in the context of the current pandemic situati...
(BtG®) - Edição Aldeias activity with Associação de Escuteiros de Portugal, Grupo 24-Funchal
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM), within the scope of its project “Bridging the Gap® (BtG®) - Edição Aldeias”, has been at Baú da Cultura on the 8th of February 2020, for an ac...
Research Grant for MSc Student CQM-19-01-BI-BlueHuman
CQM is offering a Research Grant to an MSc student with a BSc in Chemistry, Biochemistry or Materials Science.
Influência da Matemática nas Profissões
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre of Madeira (CQM) has been at the Escola dos 2º e 3º ciclos Dr. Horácio Bento Gouveia (HBG) on the 4th of March 2020, where, within the scope of the "...
BtG® at Eb1/PE com Creche Professor Eleutério de Aguiar
The Madeira Chemistry Center (CQM), within the scope of its project “Bridging the Gap® (BtG®) - Edição Aldeias”, has been at Eb1/PE com Creche Professor Eleutério de Aguiar on the 3rd of ...
PT-OPENSCREEN Network Meeting
In representation of the CQM, Prof. Helena Tomás participated in the 1st meeting of the General Assembly of the PT-OPENSCREEN network, which took place at the University of Minho on the 21st of F...
From Czech Republic to Madeira
Interview with Monika Mullerová, Ph.D. Student at CQM.
Bridging the Gap® - Edição Aldeias at Porto Santo School
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM), within the scope of its project “Bridging the Gap® (BtG®) - Edição Aldeias”, brings science closer to the youngest this time in Escola Básica ...
21st Anniversary of Rómulo de Carvalho's Death
National Day of Scientific Culture - 21st Anniversary of the death of Rómulo de Carvalho (February 19th, 1999).
50 students from Escola Básica e Secundária de Machico visit CQM
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM), under the "Bridging the Gap" (BtG) Project, welcomed 50 students from Escola Básica e Secundária de Machico in its laboratories on the 14th of Februa...
Bridging the Gap® at Porto Santo School
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM), within the scope of its project “Bridging the Gap® (BtG®) - Edição Aldeias”, brings science closer to the youngest this time in Escola Básica ...
Post Doc fellowship to Study and valorise invasive plant species
CQM is hiring a Post Doc fellow to Study and valorise invasive plant species.
XV Encontro de Química dos Alimentos (XV EQA) 6-9 de Setembro 2020 - Funchal
The XV Food Chemistry Meeting (XV EQA) - Strategies for Excellence, Authenticity, Safety and Food Sustainability - will take place in Funchal, Madeira Island, between 6-9 September 2020.
“Bridging the Gap® (BtG®) at Escola EB1/PE da Calheta
The Madeira Chemistry Center (CQM), within the scope of its project “Bridging the Gap® (BtG®) - Edição Aldeias”, was on the 22nd of January, 2020 at the EB1/PE School in Calheta for an act...
CQM's article mentioned on Molecules journal
The paper “Present drug-likeness filters in medicinal chemistry during the hit and lead optimization process: how far can they be simplified?”, authored by Mignani, S., Rodrigues, J., Tomas, H.,...
5th Edition of the "Bridging the Gap®" Project 2020
“Bridging the Gap®” is CQM’s contribution to disseminating science to the general population of Madeira and Porto Santo. Through this project, we hope to stimulate, motivate and capture peo...
"Bolsa Rubina Barros" awarded to a CQM researcher
On the 6th of January 2019, the 6th edition of the "Bolsa Rubina Barros" was held at the Núcleo Regional Madeira - Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro where Ana Nilsa Freitas, a researcher of the Mad...
6ª Edição da "Bolsa Rubina Barros" 2020
The CQM's researcher Ana Nilsa Freitas was the winner of the 6th Edition of the "Rubina Barros Grant", with the title: "Desenvolvimento de Nanopartículas baseadas em dendrímeros para imagiologia...
President of the Regional Government visits CQM
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) has received, on December 18th, 2019, the President of the Regional Government, Dr. Miguel Albuquerque for a visit to the facilities.
Researcher from CQM wins prize
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) was at the "11th ENCromatografia" which took place from 9-11 December at UNL, where CQM's junior researcher Vera Alves won the "Best Poster" award...
Dr. André Barreto visits CQM
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) has been visited by Dr. André Barreto, external member of the General Council of the University of Madeira for a visit to the facilities. During the mo...
Escola dos Salesianos at CQM
Between December 10th and 12th, 2019, the Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM), under the "Bridging the Gap" (BtG) Project, welcomed over 100 students from the Escola dos Salesianos in its l...
Kick off meeting of the MACBIOPEST - Biopesticidas botânicos da Macaronésia project
On November 27th in the Canary Islands (La Laguna) took place the kick-off meeting for the MACBIOPEST-Macaronesian Botanical Biopesticides project. Prof. Paula Castilho, CQM's senior researcher, p...
"Bridging the Gap® - Aldeias" at Porto Moniz
From December 9th, 10th and 11th at the Porto Moniz Elementary and Secondary School with preschool and day care center, around 150 students from the 5th to the 11th grade will have the opportunity...
CQM's Christmas Dinner
CQM's Christmas Dinner 2019.
“Bridging the Gap® (BtG®) – Edição Aldeias” at Porto Moniz
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM), as part of its project “Bridging the Gap® (BtG®) - Edição Aldeias”, brings science closer to young people in Porto Moniz Elementary and S...
Closing day of the International Year of the Periodic Table
The official closing day of the International Year of the Periodic Table 2019 - December 5 - was marked in Madeira Island by the lecture "The carbon journey through life" which was given by Profes...
"A Química é Divertida" 2019
More than 500 children, young people and teachers from schools in several areas of Madeira have participated in the 2019's edition of “A Química é Divertida”, which took place on Thursday an...
CQM at ICAFPM 2019
From November 17 to 22, the senior researcher and CQM Coordinator, João Rodrigues, was in China to attend, as a guest speaker, the 9th International Conference on Advanced Fibers and Polymeric Mate...
A viagem do carbono através da vida
The official closing day of the International Year of the Periodic Table 2019 will be December 5 and it will be marked in Madeira by the lecture "The carbon journey through life" that will be given ...
CQM at "Ciência no Mercado" 2019
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) has been, on November 22nd, 2019, in the “Ciência no Mercado” event - promoted by ARDITI - which took place between 6 P.M. and 10:30 PM in the Pra...
"Exploration of anti-tuberculosis drug space: From natural compounds to dendrimers to nanoparticles nanocarriers" seminar
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) has organized, this afternoon, at University of Madeira (UMa - Campus da Penteada) the seminar: "Exploration of anti-tuberculosis drug space: From natur...
INTERREG Project at Las Palmas University
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM), through its senior researcher, João Rodrigues, has participated on November 8th, 2019, in the final meeting of the INTERREG Project “Valorización e...
"Modern Methods of Structure Elucidation (MMSE)" course
Madeira Chemistry Research Centre's (CQM) researcher Gonçalo Martins was at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) Lisboa, to take part in the course "Modern Methods of Structure Elucidation (MMSE)" w...
Seminar: "Exploration of anti-tuberculosis drug space: From natural compounds to dendrimers to nanoparticles nanocarriers"
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) is organizing the seminar: "Exploration of anti-tuberculosis drug space: From natural compounds to dendrimers to nanoparticles nanocarriers". The speach...
Master defense at CQM
On November 7th, the public discussion of the Master's thesis in Applied Biochemistry, entitled "Collagen nanoparticles for cartilage therapies based on marine resources" was held at the Universit...
Workshop Buchi at CQM
In partnership with the Grupo Instrumentos de Laboratório e Científicos, Lda (I.L.C), the Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) has organized, on November 6th 2019, the "Workshop Buchi", at th...
CQM at Green China 2019: 1st International Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) has attended the "Green China 2019: 1st International Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference" event held on October 16-19, 2019 in Beijing (China), ...
CQM at Escola EB1/PE de Câmara de Lobos
As part of the "Bridging the Gap®" (BtG®) Project, the Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) has been, on October 28, 2019, at Escola EB1/PE de Câmara de Lobos to carry out some experimental ...
CQM and ILC organize "Workshop Buchi" on November 6th
In partnership with the Grupo Instrumentos de Laboratório e Científicos, Lda (ILC), the Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) is organizing the "Buchi Workshop" on November 6th, from 10h-12h30...
III Jornadas de Transferência do Projeto BIOTRANSFER 2
The event “III Jornadas de Transferência do Projeto BIOTRANSFER 2 (MAC/1.1B/042) Transferência de Investigação Biotecnológica orientada para Rentabilidade das Empresas e Mobilização de Fl...
CQM at Escola Profissional Dr. Francisco Fernandes
CQM has been at the Escola Profissional Dr. Francisco Fernandes on October 29th, 2019.
"III Jornadas de Transferência do Projeto BIOTRANSFER 2 (MAC/1.1B/042)
The event "III Jornadas de Transferência do Projeto BIOTRANSFER 2 (MAC/1.1B/042)Transferência de Investigação Biotecnológica orientada para Rentabilidade das Empresas e Mobilização de Fluxo...
Escola Básica e Secundária Dr. Luís Maurílio da Silva Dantas visits CQM
The Escola Básica e Secundária Dr. Luís Maurílio da Silva Dantas has visited the Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) on October 24th under the scope of the "Bridging the Gap®" (BtG®) Pro...
CQM at Riga Cost Meeting 2019
Professor Helena Tomás, senior researcher at the Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM), represented Portugal at the 2nd meeting of the COST Nano2Clinic Management Committee. The European Cooper...
"Os elementos químicos nossos amigos" conference
The Madeira Chemistry Research Center (CQM) has organized the lecture "Os elementos químicos nossos amigos" at Escola Básica dos 2.º e 3.º ciclos da Torre on October 22. This conference was he...
Bridging the Gap® (BtG®) pilot project 2019 at Ponta do Sol School
Opening session of the "Bridging the Gap® (BtG®) - Edição Aldeias" pilot project at Escola Básica e Secundária da Ponta do Sol (EBSPS) on October 21, 2019.
Bridging the Gap® (BtG®) pilot project 2019
The Madeira Chemistry Center (CQM), under the scope of the Bridging the Gap® (BtG®) project, brings science closer to the young people with the launch of a pilot activity at Ponta do Sol Element...
A Química é Divertida 2019
CQM's yearly event, "A Química é Divertida" (Chemistry is Fun), will be held on November 28th and 29th this year.
Master Defense at CQM
Today, at the University of Madeira, took place the public discussion of the Master's dissertation in Nanochemistry and Nanomaterials with the title "Development of New Nanocomposites for Waste Wa...
2nd International workshop on advanced materials for healthcare applications
This international workshop has gathered researchers from multidisciplinary domains on the use of advanced materials in distinct biomedical fields, including diagnosis/imaging, medical devices, na...
Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019 awarded to John Goodenough, M. Stanley Whittingham and Akira Yoshino
The 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded jointly to John Goodenough, M. Stanley Whittingham and Akira Yoshino for the development of the lithium-ion bateries.
Deadline extended! Ph.D research grant at CQM (January 2020)
CQM is hiring Ph.D., M.Sc. and B.Sc. researchers from several fields to join its team.
CQM at MSACL 2019
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) has been at the MSACL - Mass Spectrometry Applications to the Clinical Lab - a forum for discussing the clinical application of mass spectrometry - on S...
Master Defense at CQM
Today, at University of Madeira (UMa) took place the defense of the Nanochemistry and Nanomaterials Master with the title: "Formation of functional
polyetheylemine-based nanogels for tumor MR ima...
UMa's Chemistry Department and CQM welcome new students
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) and the University's Chemistry Department (DQ) welcomed the new students of the Degree in Biochemistry.
CQM organizes Peddy-paper
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) organizes, on September 16th, a peddy-paper alluding to the International Year of the Periodic Table for students of the 1st Cycle in Biochemistry. Star...
Deesy Pinto, Ph.D. member of CQM, presented the work “Hydrophobicity of Polymeric Composites Reinforced with Natural Fibers into Polymeric Matrices: Polypropylene, Polyethylene&nb...
XXVI Encontro Nacional da SPQ
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) has been at the "XXVI Encontro Nacional da SPQ" that took place at the University of Porto, Faculty of Sciences, on July 24-26, 2019.
2nd International workshop on advanced materials for healthcare applications
2nd International Workshop on Advanced Materials for Healthcare Applications
Jointly organized by University of Aveiro, University of Iceland, and the University of Madeira/Madeira Chemistry Rese...
Interview to Alexandre Belo
Name: Alexandre Belo
University: Edinburgh
I was born and lived in Madeira until the end of the 11th grade (Highschool) and then I was able to get a scholarship to Holland (by myself and wi...
CQM researcher awarded at IDS-11 2019
The researcher from Centro de Química da Madeira (CQM) and post-doc fellow of ARDITI (M1420-01-0145-FEDER-000005/ARDITI-CQM/2018/020-PDG, CQM+ (Programa Madeira 14-20)) Doctor Rita Castro was awa...
Joint Research Centre (JRC) visits CQM
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) has received on July 11th the visit of the experts. Manuel Orange and John Edwards of the Joint Research Center (JRC) of Seville for a meeting with the ...
IDS-11: 11th International Dendrimers Symposium
Being held every two years, the IDS11 - 11th International Dendrimers Symposium is the most important worldwide conference devoted to the latest developments concerning design, synthesis and appli...
Summer Internships at CQM
The students presented the work developed during the Summer internship on July 8th, 2019.
This was a program promoted nationally by Ciência Viva (National Agency for Scientific and Technological...
"Sustainable valorization of residues from the food industry: obtaining bioactive peptides" conference
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) has organized the conference "Sustainable valorization of residues from the food industry: obtaining bioactive peptides" on July 4th at Madeira University...
Scientific occupation for teenagers on summer vacation 2019
CQM is once again taking part in the national program Scientific occupation for teenagers on summer vacation promoted by Ciência Viva (National Agency for Scientific and Technological Cultur...
CQM Summer Internships - July 2019
Registration is open for the CQM Summer Internships 2019 wich will be held during July at the CQM laboratories.
These internships will allow students to contact for the first time with ...
"One day in the laboratory" BtG activity
As part of the "Bridging the Gap" (BtG) project, the Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) has received, today, 21 students from Escola Básica e Secundária Dr. Ângelo Augusto da Silva for the a...
Last minute Conferences May 7th
Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) will receive 2 lectures on May 7th 2019.
Poetry Contest at Liceu Jaime Moniz
Under the scope of the "International Year of Periodic Table 2019" and the "Scientifically Probable" Program, the Liceu Jaime Moniz, in partnership with the Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM)...
BtG® at Porto Moniz on April 25th
A Science demonstration session was held at the Espaço Multiusos do Porto Moniz on April 25th, under the scope of the "Bridging the Gap®" Project.
6th CQM Annual Meeting
The 6th Annual Meeting of the CQM took place in Porto Moniz Multipurpose Space between April 26 and 27 and aimed at bringing together researchers to present the work developed in the CQM duri...
From quality control at a large pharmaceutical to CQM
Rector of the City University of Macau visits CQM
Madeira Chemistry Research Centre has received the Rector of the City University of Macau to visit the facilities and discuss the possibility of future partnerships together last April 12th.
Agilent Technologies - Solutions for the Food Market
CQM is collaborating with the Regional Veterinary and Food Safety Laboratory to organise a seminar promoted by Angilent Technologies on the procedures of sample preparation and extraction from food ...
BtG® will be at Porto Moniz on April 25th
On the 25th of April holiday, CQM will organise a science dissemination event open to the general public for free at Porto Moniz's Multipurpose Building.
IDS11 - 11th International Dendrimers Symposium
CQM and the University of Madeira (UMa) are organising IDS, the most important worldwide conference devoted to the latest developments concerning the design, synthesis and, application of dendrime...
Machico’s elementary and secondary school students visit CQM
On the 20th of February students from Machico’s elementary and secondary school visited CQM as part of the Bridging the Gap project.
CQM takes part in the IUPAC Global Women’s Breakfast
Under the scope of the “Empowering women in chemistry: a global networking event”, promoted by IUPAC, the Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) has organized a “Breakfast of Chemists and B...
Hugo Eulálio, Flávia Santos and Jipeng Chen
Hugo Eulálio, Flávia Santos and Jipeng Chen all came to CQM as part of their studies. Hugo and Flávia are both PhD studens from Brazil and Jipeng is an MSc student from China. We sat down the w...
Representatives from the British embassy visit CQM
On the 31st of January Frederico Lyra (Science and Innovation Officer) and Hugo Marques (Head of Economics & Prosperity) from the British Embassy in Portugal visited CQM.
Meeting of the Subcellular characterisation project
A meeting of the project "Subcellular Characterisation of Adenocarcinoma Human Cells treated with N, S-doped Carbon Dots as the Drug Delivery of Cisplatin in Synchrotron based FTIR Micro-Spectrosc...
Human Periodic Table
In a joint organization, the Chemistry and Physics Sciences Club of the Liceu Jaime Moniz and the Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) have announced at Liceu Jaime Moniz the opening day of the...
Last Minute Conference, January 25th!
LAST MINUTE CONFERENCE: "Physico-chemical properties of fructo-oligosaccharides and inulin explain their protective effect during dehydration and storage of lactic acid bacteria" by Dr. Andre...
Mass spectrometry equipment (MALDI TOF/TOF), Bruker Autoflex maX from CQM started analyzing metalodendrimers samples
The first tests with ruthenium metallodendrimers developed at CQM using the Mass spectrometry equipment (MALDI TOF / TOF), Bruker Autoflex maX, started on the 19th of January under the supervision...
CQM celebrates International Year of the Periodic Table
CQM is part of the National Commitee for the Celebration of the International Year of the Periodic Table (IYPT) of the Chemical Elements which will be celebrated throughout 2019 as declared by the...
CQM ends 2018 on a high note
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) ends the year of 2018 with two other major objectives achieved.
CQM at XIV EQAlimentos and 32nd EFFoST
CQM participated in the national congress "XIV EQAlimentos" (Viana do Castelo) and the 32nd EFFOST (Nantes) international congress.
A Química é Divertida 2018
“A Química é Divertida” (Chemistry is Fun) is a yearly event at CQM and this year we received over 700 participants and for the first time ever a visit from the Senior University.
CQM at Science at the Market 2018
CQM was once again at Science at the Market and this year we showcased how hydrophobic surfaces work, an assortment of metal nanoparticles, ice cream caviar and the classic aromas of Madeira Wine....
Eramus at CQM 2018
Elif Avdal, Gabriel Quintana and Virginia Moreno all came to CQM for different reasons. We sat down with them to talk about why they chose CQM for their international exchange studies.
CQM at the More Science, Better Society conference
On November 13th the FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) collaborated with “Ciência Viva” to organize the second conference “Mais Ciência, Melhor Sociedade”...
CQM welcomes newest researcher from China
Within the framework of the Chair in Nanotechnologies Santander/UMa, the Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) receives, for a three-month internship, another student from the People's Republic ...
UMa and CQM collaborate with Brazilian University
Prof. Paula Castilho - senior researcher at the Madeira Chemistry Research Centre – was invited to spend October 24th through November 3rd, 2018 at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Federal Univers...
CQM Seminar with Professors Serge Mignani and Xiangyang Shi
Registration is open to attend the CQM Seminar with Professor Serge Mignani and Professor Xiangyang Shi.
CQM attends ECOFIBRAS 4th meeting in Las Palmas
The 4th Meeting of the ECOFIBRAS project (“Valorización ecosostenible de especies vegetales invasoras de la Macaronesia para la obtención de fibras de uso industrial” (MAC/4.6d/040)) wh...
A Química é Divertida 2018
With the goal of promoting science amongst the younger generations, CQM is hosting another edition of “A Química é Divertida” on the 22nd and 23rd of November 2018.
CQM is organizing the conference "MAD-NANO18: Madeira International Conference on Emerging Trends and Future of Nanomaterials for Human Health" from November 30th to December 2nd, 2018.
Last minute conference October 24th!
Virginia Moreno García, a PhD student from University of Castilla-La Mancha who has been working at CQM for the past few months will present her work on the 24th of October at 14:30 at room ...
Atomic Force Microscope installed at CQM
On October 11th the first Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) in Madeira Island was installed at CQM.
Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2018
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2017 was awarded to Frances H. Arnold, George P. Smith and Sir Gregory P. Winter for their work on "harnessing the power of evolution".
Short Course: Atomic Force Microscopy
The Madeira Chemistry Research Center (CQM) will organize the Short Course "Atomic Force Microscopy: A Versatile Platform with Modularity" , to be held at the University of Madeira, Funchal (...
Erasmus at CQM Summer 2018
At the start of the summer of 2018 several Erasmus students arrived at CQM to work side by side with our researchers during the summer months.
We sat down with the first three M. Sc. students to ...
Mad-Nano 18 submission deadline extended!
The deadline to submit abstracts to present at Mad-Nano 18 has been extended until the 20th of October 2018 17:00 GMT!
Happy birthday UMa!
Today the University of Madeira (UMa) celebrates its 30th birthday.
CQM researcher Serge Mignani nominated VP of Glycovax Pharma
CQM Researcher and Professor at the University of Madeira, Serge Mignani has been appointed Vice President for scientific development of the Canadian pharmaceutical Glycovax Pharma (Montreal).
Installation of the first Flow Cytometer for research in CQM
Under the CQM+ operation, CQM acquired and installed its first flow cytometer this week. This equipment is the first in the Region fully dedicated to research in the fields of Health and Bioc...
CQM in 3rd Sino-Portuguese Forum of Materials and Innovation
CQM coordinator, Professor João Rodrigues attended the Third Sino-Portuguese Forum of Materials and Innovation that was held between June 13th and 16th 2018, in Hangzhou (Zhejiang Province)...
Scientific occupation for teenagers on summer vacation 2018
CQM will participate once again on the program for Scientific occupation for teenagers on summer vacation promoted by Ciência Viva (National Agency for Scientific and Technological Culture)....
Bridging the Gap, Chemistry in the real world
Bridging the Gap, a science dissemination project from CQM, aims to connect science and society through fun experiments and activities.
Santander Bank representatives (Universia network) visit CQM
Two representatives from Santander Bank , Dr. Duarte Rodrigues and Dr. José Pereira, CQM’s biggest private backer, visited CQM headquarters.
5th Edition of the "Rubina Barros" research grant
Madeira's Regional Centre of the Portuguese Cancer League (NRM - LPCC) and the journal Diário de Notícias are promoting the 5th Edition of the "Rubina Barros" research grant.
1st year students of the BSc in Biochemistry visit CQM
A group of 1st year students from the BSc in Biochemistry at the University of Madeira got a guided tour of CQM through the project Bridging the Gap (BtG).
Basics of Scanning Electron Microscopy
The Madeira Chemistry Research Center (CQM) will organize the Short Course "Basics of Scanning Electron Microscopy", to be held at the University of Madeira, Funchal (Portugal), 23rd&nbs...
CQM 5th Annual Meeting Highlights
CQM’s 5th Annual Meeting was held at the Colégio dos Jesusitas, University of Madeira, between the 1st and 3rd of February. All members of CQM got to share their work and experie...
Program for CQM's 5th Annual Meeting
The program for CQM’s 5th Annual Meeting has been announced. The meeting will take place at the University of Madeira (Colégio dos Jesuitas). The opening session starts at 15h on the 1st of Feb...
Rubina Barros Grant awarded to CQM researcher Joselin Aguiar
Researcher Joselin de Aguiar from the Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) was awarded with the “Rubina Barros Grant”.
5th CQM Annual Meeting
The Madeira Chemistry Research Center (CQM) organizes its 5th CQM Annual Meeting to be held in the University of Madeira, Funchal (Portugal), from 1 to 3 February 201...