CQM's NMR Lab.

The CQM NMR laboratory

The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Laboratory of the Centro de Química da Madeira (CQM, University of Madeira) is a founder member of the national NMR network (PTNMR).
According to the PTNMR mission and the strategic program of CQM, the main objective of the CQM NMR lab is to support research being performed in the centre in the following areas: Health and wellbeing, Agrofood quality and safety, Sea technologies and resources. Other important duties include training researchers and students on Biochemistry (BSc and MSc), Nanochemistry and Nanotechnology (MSc) degrees, and on the Ph.D. in Chemistry from Madeira University (Chemistry Department). Furthermore, the CQM NMR lab is open to external services to private or other public institutions and supports other members of the PTNMR.

NMR equipment

The equipment installed in CQM/UMa within the National Program for Scientific Re-equipment/FCT (POCI2010/FEDER) integrates the Portuguese Nuclear  Magnetic Resonance Network and was upgraded in 2018 under the scope of PROEQUIPRAM (M1420-01-0145-FEDER-000008) under the Madeira14-20 Program, and in 2021 under the CQM 20-23 Programmatic Funding (UIDP/00674/2020) funded by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.

The rules of access and use of equipment, and the rights and obligations of users are regulated by a Model Management (PDF in Portuguese), agreed amongst all participants in the network, and by the regulation of the Unit operation (RFU). Please also check the general guidelines if you are interested in using this equipment.

Project reference: REDE/1517/RMN/2005, PTNMR 2013

Co-funding: PROEQUIPRAM (M1420-01-0145-FEDER-000008) Funded by: Madeira14-20 (Autosampler SampleXpress LiteNMR workstation with TOPSPIN). CQM 20-23 Programmatic Funding UID - Química (UIDP/00674/2020). Funded by: FCT (BBI – inverse probe).

Project Manager: João Rodrigues (PI)

Unit Technician: Dina Maciel (PhD) 


Cofunded with funds from the European Union.


Equipment: B2-Spectrometer Research and Teaching of Low Field

BBI Probhead 5 mm with an inner coil optimized for 1H observation (ideal for metabolomics), the outer coil can be tuned from 31P to 15N, Z-Gradient and switch between decoupling nuclei by using an automated tuning and matching device (ATM).
BBO Double Resonance Broadband Probe 5 mm, with actively shielded single axis Z-Gradient and ATM Accessory for automatic tuning and matching of all nuclei (Variable temperature range: -150°C to +180°C), two-channel (1H, observe channel X-nucleus covers the frequency range from 31P to 109Ag).

  • NMR Spectrometer  of 400 MHz (UltraShield™ 400 Plus ULTRA LONG HOLD)
  • Console AVANCE 400 II+
  • BBO Probehead 5 mm with actively shielded single axis Z-Gradient and ATM Accessory for automatic tuning and matching of all nuclei (Variable temperature range: -150°C to +180°C), two channel (1H, observe channel X-nucleus covers frequency range from 31P to 109Ag).


  • Bruker Digital Temperature Controller for temperatures above room temperature up to 180°C (Temperature stability : +/- 0.1 °C)
  • Low temperature accessory with 26I LN² dewar, heat exchanger and PUR transfer line for operation  with dry N² gas (Low temperature limit ca. -150 °C with 5mm probeheads and B-ST)
  • Autosampler SampleXpress Lite (installed in 2018) with a carousel that can hold up to 16 samples and allows easy sample submission and convenient handling of experiments in batch mode 
  • Cryogenic reservoir with 50 L capacity from Cryo Diffusion.
  • Filtration hood, model Chemfree 2000 90-M, from Faster, Certified by UNI EN ISO 9001:2000
  • Mainframe (installed in 2018) HP Worksation Z440


  • NMR workstation with TOPSPIN (upgraded in 2018 from version 2.1 to 3.5.7), ICON NMR, NMRSIM and NMR Guide software running on Windows 10. 

The NMR Technique

The NMR technique is based on the behaviour of atomic nuclei under the influence of a magnetic field. It is commonly used in medicine (magnetic resonance imaging) as well as in chemistry, biochemistry and materials for the structural elucidation and/or quantification of chemical compounds.

Depending on the basic equipment set-up (including the probe head) and on the accessories, the NMR can be used for research and development, and also routinely for qualitative and quantitative analysis:

  • Qualitative analysis: identification of unknown compounds or mixtures;
  • Quantitative analysis: determining the purity of samples or mixtures.


  • Identification of unknown compounds: formulation and quality control, certification of authenticity of products, characterization of the purity of a compound, forensic research in the field of fraud or crimes against public health.
  • Characterization of new compounds: research and development of new compounds for applications in areas ranging from medicine, environment, natural products to nanomaterials.

Some examples of technological routine applications

  • Food industry: identification and characterization of oils and fats;
  • Pharmaceutical industry: identification and structural characterization of new compounds and natural products for biomedical application;
  • Industry of paints and plastics: identification and characterization of structural polymers.

If you are not affiliated with CQM/UMa and would like to perform NMR characterization, please contact us (cqmnmr"at"gmail.com) and check the pricing.

General guidelines

These Guidelines are intended to be fair to everyone that uses the CQM NMR equipment and as such must be followed by all.

Users that repeatedly violate these guidelines will be banned from using the spectrometer.

  • Only authorized users will be granted access to the spectrometer. In order to be authorised to use the equipment EVERYONE must first receive training even if you are already familiar with the technique. This is to filter out users that might be afraid to say they can't use the equipment.
  • New users must register requesting, to the Unity Manager (GU/UM ), the user login/password and fill a proper New User registration Form (NUF). Be advised that your supervisor has to be informed of your NMR registration before hand. E-mail for queries: cqmnmr"at"gmail.com
  • Use what you know how to use! Curiosity is good, but not with a 278k € equipment. Be responsible !
  • Remember that your supervisor may have to pay for your user time. As such you have to PROPERLY register your experiment time on the CQM NMR Calendar (guide). If you fail to do so, you will be banned!
  • The final cost of each experiment takes into account the: maintenance costs, experiment type, total user time and user type (academic or industrial). For details about prices and charges applied, check our price table.
  • If there is a reservation made on the calendar YOU HAVE TO RESPECT IT, even if it is an emergency. Don't start an experiment unless there is enough time to finish it before the next person. In the same manner, DO NOT schedule an experiment just moments before you need, plan your time properly or wait for an opening. For more information on time reservation, please check the guide.
  • Use YOUR Deuterated solvents, YOUR NMR tubes and YOUR new Pasteur pipettes, unless otherwise agreed between researchers. This means that you have to bring them from your lab.
  • Do not mix Deuterated solvents in any condition whatsoever (e.g., for sample preparation, by using the same pipette in two different bottles).
  • NMR samples must be properly labelled, and should be removed from the NMR Lab after the experiment is finished. Unlabelled samples will be disposed.
  • Always register your work in the Logbook and on the CQM NMR Calendar. ALWAYS! Even if you are just checking the water in your solvent!
  • Report in the Logbook, any problem with the equipment or software and inform the technician as soon as possible (personally or by email).
  • Leave your metallic objects outside the room as well as magnetic cards and cell phones.
  • Between experiments or during long acquisitions, put the cover on the bore.
  • Keep the inner NMR Lab door closed as long as possible.

Official regulation (Portuguese) 

O regulamento de acesso e utilização do Espectrómetro de RMN de 400 MHz, instalado no CQM, ao abrigo do Programa Nacional de Re-equipamento Científico (REDE/1517/RMN/2005) adiante designado por Regulamento de Funcionamento da Unidade (RFU), assim como os direitos e deveres dos utilizadores, estão enquadrados pelo Protocolo de Colaboração para a aquisição e instalação de equipamento para a Rede Nacional de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear, pelo respectivo Modelo de Gestão /Anexo I (PDF), e pelo tarifário aplicável.

Protocolo de Colaboração para a Aquisição e Instalação de Equipamento para a Rede Nacional de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear


  1. Cláusula Primeira


Pretende-se a criação de uma Rede Nacional de RMN com o objectivo principal de viabilizar o acesso da comunidade científica portuguesa a espectrómetros de RMN modernos, localizados em Instituições com competência para optimizar a utilização deste equipamento pesado. Na Rede Nacional estão incluídos dois espectrómetros de campo alto, operando a 600 MHz (com crio-sonda) e 800 MHz, providenciando a aquisição de experiências com sensibilidade e resolução muito superiores às presentemente disponíveis em Portugal. Estes espectrómetros estarão equipados para executar as técnicas experimentais mais recentes e inovadoras, incluindo estudos com proteínas em solução triplamente marcadas, ou com materiais no estado sólido. A Rede Nacional permitirá também oferecer, aos utilizadores, assistência técnica ampla e de qualidade. Para além da capacidade de apoiar uma vasta gama de projectos de investigação em curso, a Rede Nacional estimulará o desenvolvimento de novas linhas de investigação em várias áreas científicas, nomeadamente biologia estrutural, ciência de materiais, desenho de fármacos, metabolómica, química de produtos naturais e ciências alimentares.

  1. D. Cláusula Quarta

Dos Direitos e Deveres do Proponente Principal e dos Participantes no Projecto

D1. – Dos Direitos

  • Direito à utilização do equipamento que lhe ficar afecto, cumprindo as regras de utilização fixadas, e a fixar, nos termos aprovados para a Rede constantes do modelo de Gestão (Anexo I);

D2. – Dos Deveres

  • Compete à Instituição Participante a responsabilidade por danos e/ou avarias perpetrados no equipamento que lhe for afecto, desde que não cobertos pela garantia e seguro;
  • Dever de prestar as garantias, quando exigidas pela Instituição Proponente, para salvaguarda dos danos e/ou avarias ocorridas no equipamento que lhes foi afecto;
  • Permitir o acesso a todos os Investigadores da Comunidade Científica Nacional ao equipamento que lhe foi afecto, nos termos constantes no Modelo de Gestão para a Rede de RMN (Anexo I);

  • Comparticipar na organização de seminários e "workshops" para assegurar que a Comunidade Científica Nacional utilize de forma optimizada as facilidades da Rede;
  • Manter em boas condições de funcionamento os equipamentos que lhe tiverem sido afectos.

Anexo I (extractos)

Modelo de gestão de equipamentos e organização da Rede Nacional de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear

Objectivos- Gestão integrada dos espectrómetros de RMN das Unidades de Investigação e Ensino associadas a Universidades e Centros de Investigação, permitindo o seu acesso a todos os investigadores da Comunidade Científica Nacional- Informação das diferentes configurações dos espectrómetros existentes (ou que virão a existir) à Comunidade Científica- Divulgação da técnica de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear

Gestor de Unidade - GU

Composição – composto por um membro da Unidade

Atribuições – responsável pela gestão do(s) espectrómetro(s) integrado(s) numa Unidade da Rede. Fazer relatórios semestrais acerca do funcionamento da Unidade. Enviar ao Coordenador Geral da Rede (CGR).

  • Recolha dos relatórios científicos elaborados pelos utilizadores da Rede (UR). Enviar ao CGR;
  • Propor ao Comissão de Gestão (CG)através do CGRas normas de funcionamento de cada espectrómetro da sua Unidade com base nas normas gerais de funcionamento da Rede;
  • Responsável pela elaboração dos horários de utilização de cada espectrómetro integrado na Unidade de acordo com as Normas de funcionamento da sua Unidade e as recomendações enviadas pelo CGR(depois de avaliadas pelo Painel de Avaliadores(PA ));
  • Organizar seminários e workshops para assegurar que os utilizadores usam de uma maneira optimizada as facilidades da Rede;
  • Fazer recomendações à CG(através do CGR) acerca da actualização ou compra de equipamento e actualização ou contratação de pessoal técnico de maneira a manter um serviço eficiente;
  • Responsável pela divulgação da alocação do tempo da sua Unidade da Rede em local próprio a definir pelo CG(página na internet);

Observações– O GU é designado pela Unidade.

Utilizador da Rede - UR

Definição- qualquer investigador, grupo de Investigação ou Entidade que requer tempo de utilização de espectrómetros da Rede

Incumbências do UR

  • Preencher o formulário para atribuição de tempo de RMN segundo as normas definidas pela Rede (ver normas) e enviar aoGU.
  • Apresentar relatórios em conformidade com as normas de funcionamento do espectrómetro da Unidade utilizada, e enviar aoGU.

Observações – A apresentação de relatório será obrigatória para uma posterior utilização dos espectrómetros da Rede.

Gestão das Unidades


Os espectrómetros da Rede serão distribuídos por 3 categorias, consoante o campo magnético a que operam e os serviços que prestam

A - Espectrómetro de Investigação de Campo Alto – actualmente, 800 + 600 MHz

B1 - Espectrómetro de Investigação de Campo Baixo – actualmente, 300, 400 e 500MHz

B2 - Espectrómetro de Investigação e Ensino de Campo Baixo – actualmente, 300, 400 e 500MHz

Definição dos Tempos de utilização

Os tempos de utilização serão classificados em categorias, de acordo com o tipo de espectrómetro solicitado:

Espectrómetros do tipo B:

  • esporádico- curto (duração máxima 4h) ou longo (12h);
  • regular- alocação de % tempo frequente (com base em projecto) com duração máxima de 24h por bloco semanal;
  • prestação de Serviços a Empresas.

Normas de distribuição dos tempos de utilização- Qualquer tempo que não seja marcado segundo as regras que se seguem, ficará imediatamente alocado à Instituição que alberga o aparelho.

B2- Espectrómetro de Investigação e Ensino de Campo Baixo Neste caso, a distribuição de tempo deverá ser planeada semanalmente pelo GU para os tempos atribuídos à Instituição, tempos do tipo esporádico e tempos para Serviços. Os tempos atribuídos a projectos (tempo regular) deverão ser planeados mensalmente com base nas indicações do CGR. O calendário de distribuição de tempo actualizado será publicado semanalmente na página da internet pelo GU, obedecendo aos seguintes critérios:

- 80%(5,5 dias/semana) atribuído à Instituição que alberga o espectrómetro para rotina, manutenção, desenvolvimento e ensino

- 20%(1,5 dias/semana) disponível para utilizadores em geral, os quais podem aceder através do preenchimento de formulário próprio, em função do tipo de tempo pretendido, e que deverá ser distribuído da seguinte maneira, caso sejam requeridos simultaneamente os três tipos de Tempo de Utilização:

  • Regular- alocação de % tempo durante um período longo (máximo 12h/semana). A decisão de alocação deste tempo será comunicada pelo CGRao GU.
  • Esporádico- alocação de tempos curtos e longos (máximo 12h/semana). A decisão de alocação deste tempo será feita peloGU.
  • Prestação de serviços/empresas (máximo 12h/semana). A decisão de alocação deste tempo será feita pelo GU.

Ongoing advanced training (post-doc, Ph.D. and M.Sc.)


1. Title: A new anticancer drug delivery approach for the treatment of pancreatic cancer - the RAM's leading cancer-related cause of death
Reference: Project (ARDITI: M1420-09-5369-FSE-000002)
Name: Rita Castro
Supervisor(s): João Rodrigues


8. Title: Fluorescent Carbon dot-cored dendritic polymers as novel cancer theranostics nanoarchitectures
Reference: FCT PhD Grant 2021.05990.BD
Name: Ivo Martins
Supervisor(s): João Rodrigues

7. Title: Novel stimuli-responsive nanoplatforms for osteosarcoma treatment based on biodegradable bone-targeted dendrimers
Reference: FCT PhD Grant 2021.05938.BD
Name: Fátima Mendes
Supervisor(s): Helena Tomás

6. Title: Dendrimers and Dendrons Ruthenium-based Nanosystems to Tackle
Challenging Cancers
Reference: FCT PhD Grant 2020.04679.BD
Name: Nádia Nunes
Supervisor(s): João Rodrigues (CQM/UMa) and Xiangyang Shi (College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (C-CCEB), Donghua University (DHU), Shanghai, P.R. China) 

5. Title: Fucoidan/dendrimer-based nanosystems with targeting capabilities for glioblastoma theranostics

Reference: ARDITI PhD Grant M1420-09-5369-FSE-000002
Name: Filipe Olim
Supervisor(s): Helena Tomás (CQM/UMa) and Valentín Ceña Callejo (Unidad Asociada Neurodeath, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete, Spain) 

4. Title: Valorization of biomass byproducts as sources of biopesticides through development and application of eco-friendly processes

Reference: FCT PhD Grant 2020.07711.BD
Name: Rui Ferreira
Supervisor(s): Paula Castilho (CQM/UMa) and Raimundo Cabrera (Botany, Ecology and Plant Physiology Department at Universidad de La Laguna (Canarias – Spain) 

3. Title: Estabelecimento do perfil metabólico e avaliação da citotoxicidade das novas substâncias psicoativas pertencentes à classe das catinonas sintéticas

Reference: FCT PhD Grant SFRH/BD/116895/2016
Name: João Gonçalves
Supervisor(s): José Câmara (CQM/UMa) e Helena Teixeira (Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal e Ciências Forenses, I.P./ Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra) 

2. Title: Estudo da influência do metabolismo na toxicidade das novas substâncias psicoativas pertencentes ao grupo dos canabinóides sintéticos
Reference: FCT PhD Grant SFRH/BD/117426/2016
Name: Vera Alves
Supervisor(s): José Câmara (CQM/UMa) e Helena Teixeira (Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal e Ciências Forenses, I.P./ Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra) 

1. Title: Cinnamic acid terminated dendrimers – Synthesis, characterization, biological evaluation and NMR metabolomics analysis
Reference: ARDITI PhD grant - Projet M1420 - 09-5369-FSE-000001- PhD Grant
Name: Ana Olival
Supervisor(s): João Rodrigues and Helena Tomás


1. Title: PDH-PPI dendrimers encapsulated with HCQ
Name: Ana Filipa Gonçalves Rodrigues
Supervisor(s): João Rodrigues and Dina Maciel

Other Projects

2. Title: Dendrimers – the fluorination approach
Reference: EPAP – Estágio Profissional na Administração Pública
Name: Lydia dos Órfãos
Supervisor(s): João Rodrigues

1. Title: Development of nanomaterials for biomedical applications
Reference: Research Grant CQM+ ARDITI/CQM/2019/010-MDG
Name: Dina Maciel
Supervisor(s): João Rodrigues

Finished advanced training (post-doc, Ph.D. and M.Sc.)


6. Title: Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Evaluation of Anticancer Metallodrugs
Reference: ARDITI-CQM-2018-007-PDG (Madeira 14-20 Program CQM+ - M1420-01-0145-FEDER-000005)
Name: Mara Gonçalves
Supervisor(s): João Rodrigues

5. Title: Nature (Marine)-based Nanomaterials for Biomedical Application
Reference: ARDITI-CQM-2017-ISG-003 (Madeira 14-20 program CQM+ - M1420-01-0145-FEDER-00000)
Name: Ruilong Sheng
Supervisor(s): João Rodrigues 

4. Title: New materials for biomedical applications obtained by the self-assembly of dendrimer-single stranded DNA conjugates
Reference: FCT Post-doc Grant SFRH/BPD/75420/2010
Name: Shili Xiao
Supervisor(s): Helena Tomás, João Rodrigues and Xiangyang Shi

3. Title: Novel Drug/gene/delivery Platforms Based on the Self-Assembly of Dendrimer-single Strand DNA Conjugates
Reference: FCT Post-doc Grant SFRH/BPD/44821/2008
Name: Deepti Pandita
Supervisor(s): Helena Tomás, João Rodrigues and Miguel Xavier Fernandes

2. Title: FUNCMETAL-Functionalized Metallodendrimers Based on 2,4,6-tri-substituted-1,3,5-triazine Core Derivatives
Reference: PTDC/QUI/64202/2006
Name: Swarup Maiti
Supervisor(s): João Rodrigues

1. Title: Biomimetic Preparation of Calcium Phosphate Nanoparticles Using Dendrimers as Templates – Application On Gene Delivery
Reference: FCT Post-doc Grant SFRH/BPD/47369/2008
Name: Alireza Nouri
Supervisor(s): Helena Tomás


10. Title: Anticancer prodrug nanoscale platform using low-generation dendrimers and/or platinum derivatives – Synthesis, cytotoxicity and synergetic effects
Reference: ARDITI PhD grant - Project M1420 - 09-5369-FSE-000001- PhD Grant
Name: Cláudia Camacho
Supervisor(s): João Rodrigues and Helena Tomás

9. Title: Metallodendrimers as HIV antiviral and anticancer agents
Reference: FCT PhD Grant SFRH/BD/102123/2014
Name: Dina Maciel
Supervisor(s): João Rodrigues (CQM/UMa) and Maria Ángeles Muñoz-Fernández (Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, Spain)

8. Title: Non-invasive, innovative and promising strategy for breast cancer diagnosis based on metabolomic profile of urine, cancer cell lines and tissue
Reference: FCT PhD Grant SFRH/BD/97039/2013
Name: Catarina Grace Sousa Luís
Supervisor(s): José Sousa Câmara and Helena Tomás

7. Title: Nanotechnology Approaches for the Delivery of Antitumor Drugs – The Case of Doxorubicin
Reference: FCT PhD Grant SFRH/BD/88721/2012
Name: Mara Gonçalves
Supervisor(s): Helena Tomás

6.Title: Octupolar heterometallic dendrimers based on 2,4,6-tris-substituted-1,3,5-triazine core derivatives for NLO applications.
Reference: FCT PhD Grant SFRH/BD/65036/2009
Name: Manuel Jardim
Supervisor(s): João Rodrigues (CQM/UMa), Kari Rissanen (University of Jyväskylä/Finland) and Wim Wenseleers (University of Antwerp, Belgium)

5. Title: Avaliação Fitoquímica, Antimicrobiana e Inseticida de Plantas Aromáticas da Família das Labiatae
Reference: FCT PhD Grant SFRH/BD/48148/2008
Name: Tatiana Sousa
Supervisor(s): Paula Castilho

4. Title: Valorization of Residues From Fruit Transformation Industries in Madeira
Reference: FCT PhD Grant SFRH/BD/32334/2006
Name: Pedro Miguel Sena da Costa Branco
Supervisor(s): Paula Castilho

3. Title: New metallomolecular wires based on carbon-rich bridging systems - a systematic study.
Reference: FCT PhD Grant SFRH/BD/29325/2006
Name: João Figueira
Supervisor(s): João Rodrigues (CQM/UMa) and Kari Rissanen (University of Jyväskylä/Finland).

2. Title: Phytochemical studies of bioactive Asteraceae plants endemic from Madeira Archipelago.
Reference: FCT PhD Grant SFRH/BD/24227/2005
Name: Sandra Cristina Gonçalves Gouveia
Supervisor(s): Paula Castilho

1. Title: Bone Tissue Engineering Via Local Gene Delivery
Reference: FCT PhD Grant SFRH/BD/19450/2004/NG2H
Name: José Luís Santos
Supervisor(s): Helena Tomás

Ciência 2008

1. Title: Fabrication of biodegradable and injectable nano-hydrogels with high mechanical properties and stability for tissue engineering and drug delivery.
Name: Yulin Li


13. Title: Dendrimers – the fluorination approach
Name: Lydia dos Órfãos
Supervisor(s): João Rodrigues and Helena Tomás


12. Title: From copper-based nanoparticles to carbon-based dots
Name: Joaquim Duarte Gonçalves Fernandes
Supervisor(s): Pedro Pires and Carla S. Alves


11. Title: Carboxylated and Aminated Carbon dots: Hydrothermal synthesis, photostability and DNA interaction studies
Name: Ivo Martins
Supervisor(s): João Rodrigues and Helena Tomás


10. Title: Nitrile based PAMAM dendrimers functionalized with [RuCp(PPh3)2]+
Name: Nádia Nunes
Supervisor(s): João Rodrigues and Helena Tomás


9. Title: Preparation of Low-generation metallodendrimers using nitrile-functionalized poly(alkylidenamines) dendrimers: cytotoxicity studies in cancer cell lines.
Name: Marisol Gouveia
Supervisor(s): João Rodrigues and Helena Tomás.


8. Title: Cell-responsive nanogels for anticancer drug delivery
Name: Dina Maciel
Supervisor(s): Yulin Li and Helena Tomás


7. Title: Multilayered Core/Shell Nanoparticles of FeOX/Au/Ag
Name: Carla Miguel
Supervisor(s): João Rodrigues and Helena Tomás


6. Title: Polímeros condutores em monocamadas automontadas para a determinação de compostos de interesse ambiental
Name: Cláudia Camacho
Supervisore(s): José Carlos Mesquita and João Rodrigues


5. Title: Avaliação do efeito de dendrímeros com diferentes grupos funcionais à superfície na diferenciação de células estaminais mesenquimais
Name: Mara Gonçalves
Supervisor(s): Helena Tomás


4. Title: Coating of Implant Biomaterials Through the Layer-by-Layer Technique.
Name: Daniel Bezerra de Lima
Supervisor(s): Helena Tomás and João Rodrigues


3. Title: New Dendrimer-based Vectors for Antisense Therapy.
Name: Rita Castro
Supervisor(s): Helena Tomás e João Rodrigues


2. Title: Isolamento e caracterização de princípios activos da Madre de Louro e de Lauraceas da Madeira
Nome: Maria João Menezes de Carvalho
Supervisor(s): Paula Castilho


1. Title: Encapsulation of Single hMSCs in Polyelectrolyte shells - Preliminary Studies
Name: Neide Freitas
Supervisor(s): Helena Tomás and João Rodrigues

Other projects

17. Title: Synthesis and characterization of copper nanoparticles
Reference: Estágio ao abrigo do Programa Ingress@
Name: Joaquim Duarte Gonçalves Fernandes
Supervisor(s): Pedro Pires


16. Title: Laponite-based nanogels for bone tissue regeneration
Reference: Estágio ao abrigo do Programa Ingress@
Name: Fátima Mendes
Supervisor(s): Helena Tomás


15. Title: Development of nanomaterials for health applications
Reference: Research Grant CQM+ ARDITI-CQM-2019-007-MDG
Name: Joaquim Duarte Gonçalves Fernandes
Supervisor(s): Pedro Pires and João Rodrigues


14. Title: Bioinspired microcapsules prepared through the layer-by-layer technique using biodegradable polymers for drug delivery
Reference: Práticas de Investigação Científica (CQM-PIC-2021-08)
Name: Filipa Raquel Nunes Jardim
Supervisor(s): Mara Gonçalves and João Rodrigues


13. Title: Anionic dendrimers as drug delivery systems: synthesis, characterization and in vitro studies
Reference: Práticas de Investigação Científica (CQM-PIC-2021-07)
Name: Ana Filipa Gonçalves Rodrigues
Supervisor(s): Dina Maciel and João Rodrigues


12. Title: Prospecção de bioactividade de extractos e compostos isolados de Clinopodium ascendens, Mentha pulegium e Cedronella canariensis
Reference: Práticas de Investigação Científica (CQM-PIC-2021-09)
Name: Maria Isaura Gouveia Lourenço
Supervisor(s): Paula Castilho and Rui Ferreira


11. Title: Synthesis of Copper Nanoparticles for imaging and drug delivery applications
Reference: Estágios de Verão DRJD (2019)
Name: Joaquim Duarte Gonçalves Fernandes
Supervisor(s): Pedro Pires


10. Title: Synthesis, characterization and biological evaluation of new molecules/natural products
Reference: Research Grant CQM+ ARDITI-CQM/2019/015-BDG
Name: Lydia dos Órfãos
Supervisor(s): João Rodrigues and Helena Tomás


9. Title: Laponite-based nanogels for bone tissue regeneration
Reference: Research Grant CQM+ ARDITI-CQM/2019/015-BDG
Name: Fátima Mendes
Supervisor(s): Helena Tomás


8. Title: Development of Nanomaterials for Anticancer Applications
Reference: Research Grant CQM+ ARDITI/CQM/2018/017-MDG
Name: Ivo Martins
Supervisor(s): João Rodrigues


7. Title: Development of nanomaterials for biomedical applications
Reference: Research Grant CQM+ ARDITI-CQM/2017/013-MDG
Name: Nádia Nunes
Supervisor(s): João Rodrigues e Helena Tomás


6. Title: Laponite-based nanogels for bone tissue regeneration
Reference: Práticas de Investigação Científica
Name: Fátima Mendes
Supervisor(s): Helena Tomás


5. Title: Synthesis and functionalization of PAMAM dendrimers with different surface groups
Reference: Projeto profissionalizante
Name: Nádia Nunes
Supervisor(s): João Rodrigues


4. Title: Nanoscale prodrugs using platinated low-generation dendrimers –synthesis, in vitro/in vivo studies and synergetic effects
Reference: Bolsa Rubina Barros – Núcleo Regional da Madeira - Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro
Name: Cláudia Camacho
Supervisor(s): João Rodrigues (CQM/UMa), Helena Tomás (CQM/UMa) and Maria Ángeles Muñoz-Fernández (Hospital General Universitario Gregório Marañón, Madrid, Spain)


3. Title: Self-assembled nanoparticles based on PEG-PLA Dendrimer building blocks for dual gene/drug delivery.
Reference: PTDC/CTM-NAN/116788/2010
Name: Claudia Camacho
Supervisor(s): Yulin Li


2. Title: Self-Assembled Nanoparticles Based on PEG-PLA-Dendrimer Building Blocks for Dual Gene/Drug Delivery
Reference: PTDC/CTM-NAN/116788/2010
Name: Mara Gonçalves
Supervisor(s): Yulin Li


1. Title: Novos materiais para a entrega de fármacos/genes baseados na auto‐montagem de conjugados dendrímero‐quitosano‐DNA de cadeia simples
Reference: PTDC/CTM‐NAN/112428/2009 (Projeto: DENDRIMAT)
Name: Rita Castro
Supervisor(s): Helena Tomás

Price list

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Service (NMR 400 MHz)


The price of services provided is divided into three classes, namely:

  1. National Centres FCT (Calss 1)
  2. Regional and National Public Laboratories (Class 2)
  3. Companies and Laboratories or private Research Centres (Class 3)

Choose the classes that are best suited to your case or consult us using the address: cqmnmr "at" gmail.com

Short duration experiments Class 1 Class 2 Class 3
Proton € 1.00 € 1.60 € 2.60
Proton and Phosphorus € 1.25 € 2.10 € 3.30
Proton and Carbon € 2.00 € 3.10 € 5.10
Proton, Carbon and Phosphorus € 2.50 € 4.00 € 6.50
Other Cores Request a Quote
Hour € 4.00 € 8.10 € 12.20
Night € 12.00 € 49.00 € 73.00
Day € 30.00 € 91.50 € 137.00
24 h € 45.00 € 137.00 € 205.50
Weekend (48 h) € 75.00 € 229.00 € 341.00
Long duration experiments Class 1 / 2 / 3
Diluted carbons (Total decoupling of protons, registration, list of frequencies, integrations and extensions) According to time spent
Other Cores Request a Quote
NOE Experiments (registration, list of frequencies, integrations) According to time spent
Two-dimensional experiment (registration, list of frequencies, integrations and extensions) According to time spent
Variable temperature experiment (registration, list of frequencies, integrations and extensions) According to time spent
Time cost to be added to the cost of experiment Class 1 Class 2 Class 3
One hour (day) € 2.40 € 24.50 € 36.50
One hour (night) € 1.20 € 12.50 € 18.50
One day € 30.00 € 152.50 € 228.50
Measures at low temperature Class 1 / 2 / 2
25 litres of liquid N2 for 7 hours of work € 51.00

Prices excluding VAT and without analysis results, valid from january 2022. For other specific techniques of NMR or additional information consult us by e-mail:

Analyses request forms

Pease request using the e-mail:

Occupation calendar and reserve of use time

The CQM NMR Calendar is visible bellow. You will need to read its guide in order to use the equipment.

Open Calendar in another window: CQM NMR Calendar

NMR training

CQM NMR Lab has been involved in the lecturing of NMR courses that aim to train and prepare the CQM researchers for the usage of the NMR equipment as well as any interested from outside the centre.


2nd Edition of NMR course: “short theoretical and practical introduction in the NMR technique (25 participants)”

2nd Edition of NMR course: “short theoretical and practical introduction in the NMR technique (25 participants)” poster.


1st Edition of NMR course: "short theoretical and practical introduction in the NMR technique (15 participants)"

1st Edition of NMR course: "short theoretical and practical introduction in the nmr technique (15 participants)" poster