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 On the morning of the 24th of June 2020, the Scientific Coordinator of CQM, Prof. João Rodrigues, met with the Management of the company BRAL at the CQM facilities to discuss the promotion of collaborative and service delivery projects of common interest to both entities.
Representing BRAL was the Managing Director Ramiro Manica and the Production Manager Daniel Manica. The meeting resulted in the launch of a process involving consultancy and service delivery to be carried out by CQM. Matters relating to the advice and development of new products, as well as application to projects with joint funding, were also explored. This company, with over 25 years of experience, is based at the Zona Franca da Madeira. It is dedicated to the manufacture of cleaning products, as well as products for domestic and industrial maintenance, for hotels, restaurants, wastewater treatment, construction and hospital services. At the end of the meeting, the visitors were taken on a guided tour of CQM and were shown the research work that is currently underway at this National Research Center supported by FCT and ARDITI.