Romulo Carvalho Intro Site 1280

National Day of Scientific Culture - 21st Anniversary of the death of Rómulo de Carvalho (February 19th, 1999).

Rómulo de Carvalho, also known as António Gedeão, was Professor of Physics and Chemistry Sciences and is an essential symbol of Portuguese culture. In addition of teaching and his research activities, promoting Science, this scholar also distinguished himself by his poetic legacy, of which we dare to highlight, among his best known works, the poems "Pedra Filosofal" (published in 1956 in his book "Movimento Perpétuo" and later transformed in a music by Manuel Freire and soon considered one of the anti-fascist hymns) and the "Lágrima de Preta", published in 1961 in his book "Máquina de Fogo".

In honor of this great researcher, educator and poet, Portugal adopted, in 1996, the date of his birth as the National Day of Scientific Culture.