
The research conducted at CQM is divided between two groups: Materials and Natural Products and it complies with the highest standards of quality which have lead to many publications in International Journals, books and chapters.



The CQM team comprises over 60 researchers from diverse nationalities spanning various fields. CQM is managed by the Executive Committee, led by the CQM Scientific Coordinator. The core body of CQM is the Scientific Council, consisting of all the Ph.D. members who have been part of the unit for over a year. They hold the responsibility of electing the Scientific Coordinator, providing an opinion on the budget, and on the annual activities plan of CQM.

Additionally, CQM is overseen by the External Advisory Board, which consists of five external experts to CQM and the University of Madeira. This committee is accountable for evaluating CQM's activities, results, and plans, as well as offering advisory opinions on the strategic research lines, research and human resources policies, and internal dynamics of the Center.

Organizational Structure

Scientific Coordinator | João Rodrigues

Executive Committee | João Rodrigues (Scientific Coordinator), Paula Castilho, and Pedro Pires (Committee Members)

Gender Equality Officer | Catarina Luis

Media Outreach and  Science Dissemination Officer| Jorge Pereira

Services and Support Unit | Rosa Perestrelo and Rita Castro

Training, Careers and Professional Development Officer | Johan du Toit

Management and Secretariat Office | UMa staff/CQM: Emília Pimenta, Sandro Sousa, Énio Freitas, and Paula Andrade

Funding Agencies

Ongoing Projects

  • CQM 20-23 Financiamento base - Financiamento Base UID - 2017/2018 - 6817 - DCRRNI ID - Química (UIDB/00674/2020). Funded by: FCT- Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (01/01/2020 - 31/12/2024). Total funds: € 516 425.
  • CQM 20-23 Financiamento programático - Financiamento Programático UID - 2017/2018 - 6817 - DCRRNI ID - Química (UIDP/00674/2020). Funded by: FCT- Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (01/01/2020 - 31/12/2024). Total funds: € 612 500.
  • SELECTFIGHT - New Agents For The Selective Fight Against Pathogens: Quorum Sensing Inhibitors And Target-Directed Antimicrobial Peptides”, Ref. PID2020-116688RB-C2 (PID2020-116688RB-C2). Funded by: Proyectos I+D+i Retos Investigación 2020, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain (01/09/2021 - 31/08/2024). Main contractor: Instituto De Productos Naturales Y Agrobiologia (IPNA). Total funds: € 134 310. CQM (Team member): € 0.
  • RPMABTI - Research on the Personalized Mechanical Adaptive Bioactive Titanium Implants (N/R). Funded by: Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (STCSM), China (01/08/2021 - 30/08/2024). Main contractor: Shanghai Jiao Tong University (School of Medicine) (SJTU), Shanghai, China. Total funds: € 58 884. CQM (Team member): € 0.
  • Completed Projects