- CQM hosts visiting PhD student from ISA
- As part of the collaboration between research groups at the CQM and the Instituto Superior de Agronomia of the University of Lisbon (ISA), the CQM welcomed doctoral student Joana Soares in January...
- International collaboration with China promotes the exchange of researchers
- The Madeira Chemistry Centre (CQM) is strengthening its collaboration with Chinese institutions, promoting the exchange of researchers and knowledge in the health field. In this context, Dr. Xiaod...
- Estágios de Verão no CQM
- Encontra-se aberto o período de manifestações de interesse para os “Estágios de Verão no CQM 2025”.O Centro de Química da Madeira (CQM) recebe todos os anos, durante o período d...
- PSE Meeting 2025
- On behalf of the Organizing Committee, CQM has the pleasure to announce that the PSE Meeting 2025 will take place in Madeira Island, Portugal, from 22nd to 24th October of 2025, at Meliá Madeira Ma...
- João Rodrigues elected Scientific Coordinator of CQM
- Following the election process held at CQM, on 20th of January of 2025, Professor João Rodrigues was elected CQM Scientific Coordinator for a new term (2025-2026 biennium) at the head of the destinie...
- A Química é Divertida® 2024
- CQM's yearly event, "A Química é Divertida®" (Chemistry is Fun), will be held from 21 to 22 November 2024.For more information visit the official website:
Our Mission
The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) of the University of Madeira is instrumental in the implementation of R&D activities in Chemistry and Biochemistry in the Autonomous Region of Madeira by promoting, side by side, postgraduate education, interaction with other National and International R&D Units and supplying services to the scientific and industrial communities.
Currently, CQM develops its R&D activities in the areas of Natural Products and Materials, each with its own research group using 11 specialized laboratories of common use, covering an area of more than 800 m2.
CQM’s activities are also monitored by the External Advisory Board, which comprises renowned and established scientists.
Ethical Principles
CQM and the research developed here stands on three values: Integrity, Excellency and Team Spirit.
- Integrity
Our research must uphold the highest ethical principles.
We take full responsibility for our actions and work towards the greater good of society.
We encourage open and true communication and sharing of information.
- Excellence
We push for the highest standards of performance to achieve the best possible results.
We encourage new ideas, innovation and ingenious solutions.
We promote discipline and professionalism across all levels to ensure a sustainable growth.
- Team Spirit
We cherish diversity and individual talent as a way to improve CQM as a whole.
We are highly dedicated to our work and celebrate the successes of our team.
We plan and act to remove the borders from science by establishing new partnerships
The Madeira Chemistry Centre (CQM), an institution of the National Scientific and Technological System (SCTN), directly or indirectly funded through programs, projects and or actions, hereby declares that no candidate can be privileged, benefited, impaired or denied of any right or exempt of any duty on account of ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, economic situation, education, social origin or condition, genetic heritage, reduced working capacity, disability, chronic illness, nationality, ethnic origin or race, territory of origin, language, religion, political or ideological convictions, and trade union membership.
CQM and its researchers adhere to the following:
CoARA (Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment)
Gender Equality in Academia and Research - GEAR tool
European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers
CQM's declaration of commitment to the European Charter and the Code of Conduct
National Strategy for Equality and Non-Discrimination 2018-2030 - Portugal + Igual
What do we do?
CQM's main goal is to make the world better by solving problems through scientific research in three main areas: health and wellness, agro-food quality and safety, and sea technologies and resources. We are constant improvers which is why we are often looking for new researchers to join us for a research grant and bring a fresh set of eyes and ideas to help us tackle these issues. However, we also offer some training internships aimed at young researchers and high-school students. As scientists we understand that not everyone loves science but, we want everyone to appreciate it. For this to happen we need to bridge the gap between people and science which is what we try to do with our science dissemination activities. We often open our doors to schools so that their students can have a look at what it's like to work as a researcher and to show them that chemistry is fun! As a small research centre we also know that it's hard to have all the equipment and techniques that we want which is why we provide our research services and equipment to other research centres, universities and corporations that might need them.