Articles in international journals

Articles in international journals without Impact Factor


Book chapters

    • 2024
      • 4. Perestrelo, R. M. d. S.; Sousa, P.; Hontman, N.; Câmara, J.S. Composition of Different Species of Lamiaceae Plant Family: A Potential Biosource of Terpenoids and Antifungal Agents (Chapter 2). In Advances in Antifungal Drug DevelopmentRamabrabha. S. Eds.; Springer Nature, 2024; pp ??-.
      • 3. Câmara, J.S.; Perestrelo, R. M. d. S.; Berenguer, C.; Pereira, J. A. M. Wine Volatilomics . In Wine Analysis and Testing Techniques. Methods and Protocols in Food SciencePozo-Bayón, M.Á., Muñoz González, C. Eds.; Springer, 2024; pp 93-130.
      • 2. Jeevanandam, J.; Rodrigues, J. M. C.; Pan, S.; Danquah, M. K. Chapter 8 - Cellulose-based bionanocomposites: Synthesis, properties, and applications . In Advances in BionanocompositesBhasha Sharma and Sabu Thomas and Pramendra Kumar Bajpai and Kajal Ghosal and Shashank Shekhar Eds.; Elsevier, 2024; pp 191-210.
      • 1. Casado, N.; Pereira, J. A. M.; Morante-Zarcero, S.; Câmara, J.S.; Sierra, I. Green sorbent-based microextraction techniques in sample preparation for food analysis . In Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry - Handbook. Eds.; Elsevier, 2024; pp (in press)-.
    • 2023
    • 2022
    • 2021
    • 2020
    • 2019
    • 2018
    • 2017
    • 2016
    • 2014
    • 2013
    • 2012
    • 2011
    • 2008

International proceedings

    • 2023
      • 2. Oliveira, A.; Freitas, D.; Dias, T.; Pinto, Deesy. G. ou Pinto, D.G. The State of Urban Rehabilitation in Funchal City -- Analysis of Collected Data -- Part I. Presented at The State of Urban Rehabilitation in Funchal City – Analysis of Collected Data , Switzerland, 2023.
      • 1. Oliveira, A.; Freitas, D.; Dias, T.; Pinto, Deesy. G. ou Pinto, D.G. The State of Urban Rehabilitation in Funchal City -- Analysis of Collected Data -- Part II. Presented at CIRMARE 2023, Switzerland , 2023.
    • 2019
    • 2018
    • 2016
    • 2009
    • 2008
    • 2007
    • 2006
    • 2005


Activity Report

Abstract Books CQM