CQM's Lab of the Future.

The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) ends the year of 2018 with two other major objectives achieved.

The installation in December of two new laboratories (Laboratory of the Future and Laboratory of Fluorescence Techniques) and the first MALDI TOF / TOF Mass spectrometry equipment in Portugal, the Bruker Autoflex maX.

Equipment being installed in CQM's Lab of the Future.

These two investments (ca. € 0.5 million) are intended to not only bring more and better working conditions to the researchers but also to increase the level of installed capacity and international competence of the CQM in the field of Natural Products and Materials for application in the health area. The installation of the laboratories and the MALDI TOF / TOF  equipment was only possible through two major structuring projects of which the CQM is a beneficiary through Community funds from the Madeira Program 14-20 (PROEQUIPRAM - Reinforcement of Investment in Equipment and Scientific Infrastructures in RAM (M1420-01-0145-FEDER-000008) and CQM + - Madeira Chemistry Center -ARDITI-Regional Agency for the Development of Research Technology and Innovation).

CQM's Bruker Autoflex maX MALDI TOF / TOF mass spectrometer being installed.

To all those who have always supported us, believed in us and in our ability to fulfil many a big thank you and have a great year in 2019!

The Autoflex maX MALDI-TOF equipment installed at CQM, will provide to our research, detailed information and mass accuracies for the fast analysis of big molecules and supramolecular structures, like dendrimers, fibres and other polymeric materials, peptides, proteins, lipids, and for molecular histology.