Curso Nanoschool (Inscrição Obrigatória)
Dias 10, 11, 13 e 14 de Outubro de 2011 
"From chemical topology to cages and molecular machines: the transition metal approach"

Local: Sala de Documentação 0.57, Piso 0 (UMa, Edifício da Penteada).

Horário: 15h00 às 17h00.

Lição convidada/Conferência (Entrada Livre)
Dia 12 de Outubro de 2011
"Multicomponent Transition Metal Complexes: From Charge Separation to Light-Driven Molecular Machines"

Local: Sala do Senado (UMa, Edifício da Penteada).

Hora: 14h30.



Professor Jean-Pierre Sauvage


No Ano Internacional da Química, o Centro de Química da Madeira leva a efeito a sua quarta edição da Nanoschool, desta vez tendo, como convidado especial, Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Professor da University of Strasbourg e da Northwestern University.

Será ainda apresentada uma palestra, aberta ao público em geral, dia 12 de Outubro (14h30min, sala do Senado), intitulada "Multicomponent Transition Metal Complexes: From Charge Separation to Light-Driven Molecular Machines".

O curso "From chemical topology to cages and molecular machines: the transition metal approach", que irá decorrer entre os dias 10 e 14 de Outubro, é destinado, preferencialmente, aos investigadores do CQM, alunos do Mestrado em Bioquímica Aplicada e aos alunos do 3º ano da Licenciatura em Bioquímica da Universidade da Madeira. A participação de outros interessados é bem-vinda mas está limitada ao número de lugares disponíveis.

Programa do curso

As aulas funcionarão nos dias indicados acima, das 15 às 17 horas.


A participação no curso é gratuita mas carece de inscrição prévia, a ser efetuada até 5 de Outubro em Os investigadores do CQM estão dispensados de inscrição.

Tabela de Preços

    • 1. Alunos do Mestrado em Bioquímica Aplicada (UMa) - inscrição gratuita
    • 2. Alunos da Licenciatura em Bioquímica (UMa) - 25,00€
    • 3. Alunos de outras licenciaturas da UMa - 50,00€
    • 4. Ex-alunos da UMa* - 80,00€
    • 5. Alunos de outras universidades - 50,00€
    • 6. Ex-alunos de outras universidades* - 80,00€
    • 7. Funcionários de laboratórios públicos - 100,00€
    • 8. Empresas e outros - 160,00€
  • *Opções 4. e 5. aplicam-se a ex-alunos cujo grau foi obtido há 5 ou menos anos.



Aos participantes que frequentarem a totalidade do curso será passado o respectivo certificado de presença.





Curso Nanoschool

"From chemical topology to cages and molecular machines: the transition metal approach"

The lectures will be mainly concerned with molecular sciences : transition metal chemistry, organic synthesis and physical chemistry applied to the systems discussed (electrochemistry; photochemistry and photophysics; STM). More precisely, the series of lectures will be devoted to a few contemporary areas of research, as listed below :

(1) Chemical topology : general considerations on topology, interlocking systems and knotted molecules, with important definitions and an historical introduction to the field of catenanes and rotaxanes.

(2) In a second lecture, we will discuss the powerful techniques based on transition metal centres used as three-dimensional templates for generating entanglementsand interlocking ring systems (catenanes). In particular, the work done in Strasbourg, based on copper(I) as template, will be discussed. The strategy referred to as "gathering-and-threading" will also be explained in detail. The recent and less recent contributions of various research groups to the field of catenanes will also be reviewed, either in the transition metal area or in that of organic templates.

(3) Cages and capsules can be generated using the so-called "self-assembly" approach. In recent work, gigantic cages displaying outstanding properties could be prepared in very high yields from simple components and under extremely mild conditions. A few spectacular examples will be described which demonstrate the power of transition metals to gather various fragments in a complex but quantitative fashion. In such a way, highly symmetrical species with huge internal volumes can be obtained in a few synthetic steps.

(4) The synthesis of molecular knots has been envisaged as a particularly challenging task for many years. It is about twenty years ago that the first knots were reported. Their syntheses relied on template effects, again using transition metal complexes. More recently, a few elegant strategies have been developed which afford knots in relatively large amounts. The templating principle can take advantage of coordination chemistry bonds or hydrogen bonding.

(5) Multi-interlocking rings are also very attractive species and their synthesis represents a particularly difficult challenge. A few examples will be discussed to illustrate the power of template approaches.

(6) Molecular machines and motors.

Finally, the field of dynamic controlled multicomponent systems will be examined, either in relation to interlocking ring compounds or to topologically trivial species. The field of "molecular machines" is nowadays a very active area of research, either for the intellectual challenge that it represents, for its relation to biology and the many motor proteins found in living organisms or due to potential applications in nanotechnology and Nano science.




Lição Convidada/Conferência

"Multicomponent Transition Metal Complexes: From Charge Separation to Light-Driven Molecular Machines"


The photochemical water splitting reaction (H2O + hn ® H2 + ½ O2), leading to "solar" hydrogen and oxygen, has fascinated chemists for more than fifty years. It is naturally very attractive in relation to solar energy conversion and environmental problems. Recent and less recent approaches will be discussed, most of them involving Ru(bipy)32+ and its Metal-to-Ligand Charge-Transfer excited state (bipy : 2,2'-bipyridine). It will be shown in the lecture that one of the key factors to the success of this approach is the ability molecular chemists have to generate very long-lived excited states so as to avoid detrimental recombination of the charges generated by light irradiation. Various approaches to long-lived charge separated states will be discussed and compared to biological systems. The photosynthetic reaction centre from a photosynthetic bacterium, Rhodopseudomonas viridis, will be taken as an example to show why Nature has been so successful in performing photosynthesis and what could be done by synthetic chemists who want to make efficient models.
A different but related field of research is that of "molecular machines". Such molecules represent challenging targets for synthetic chemists and promising objects in relation to Nano science and nanotechnology. The compounds we will examine are photochemically active. In other word, they will be set in motion using light. Two examples of such light-driven molecular machines will be discussed, containing either a copper(I) centre or a ruthenium(II) atom. For the copper-containing system, the excited state undergoes electron transfer leading to an unstable species. Subsequently, the complex rearranges and thus undergoes a large-amplitude motion. Very different is the principle for the ruthenium complex which dissociates in its excited state, this dissociation being responsible for the movement.The two field, molecular artificial photosynthesis and molecular machines, will be discussed in terms of potential applications, in relation to energy conversion and storage as well as Nano-scale devices.