The Madeira Chemistry Centre (CQM), an institution of the National Scientific and Technological System (SCTN), directly or indirectly funded through programs, projects and or actions, hereby declares that no candidate can be privileged, benefited, impaired or denied of any right or exempt of any duty on account of ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, economic situation, education, social origin or condition, genetic heritage, reduced working capacity, disability, chronic illness, nationality, ethnic origin or race, territory of origin, language, religion, political or ideological convictions, and trade union membership.
CQM and its researchers adhere to the following:
CoARA (Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment)
Gender Equality in Academia and Research - GEAR tool
European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers
CQM's declaration of commitment to the European Charter and the Code of Conduct
National Strategy for Equality and Non-Discrimination 2018-2030 - Portugal + Igual