23 noticias jornadas inv2mac

The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) has the pleasure to announce the III Final Results Disclosure Journey of the project Inv2Mac (MAC2/4.6d/229), which will be held at the University of Madeira, 29 November 2023. This project focuses on the study of the use of residual biomass generated from eradication and control campaigns of invasive plant species present in Macaronesia.

The team of Inv2Mac project will be presenting the results obtained in the three fundamental technical blocks:
- Biodistribution study of selected invasive species, botanical characterization, life cycle of the species and assessment of risks associated with their harvest.
- Extraction and characterization of fibers obtained from invasive plants. Obtaining recyclable and/or biodegradable polymer composite materials and production of demonstrators through injection molding.
- Characterization of plant species for their potential use as a complement in animal feed or for the production of fertilizers.

Download the program of ativities here.

Date: 29 November 2023
Venue: University of Madeira, Campus of Penteada, Room 0.57, level 0.
Fees: Members of CQM - exempt from fee payment / Members of Inv2Mac Project - exempt from fee payment / Students and researchers of UMa - 30,00 EUR / Other participants - 50,00 EUR.

person add FILL1 wght400 GRAD0 opsz48  Registration deadline is 16 November 28 November 2023 (16h00, hora de Lisboa) - NEW DEADLINE!
edit FILL1 wght400 GRAD0 opsz48 Registration form - closed! (limited seats available)