What do we do?

CQM's main goal is to make the world better by solving problems through scientific research in three main areas: health and wellness, agro-food quality and safety, and sea technologies and resources. We are constant improvers which is why we are often looking for new researchers to join us for a research grant and bring a fresh set of eyes and ideas to help us tackle these issues. However, we also offer some training internships aimed at young researchers and high-school students. As scientists we understand that not everyone loves science but, we want everyone to appreciate it. For this to happen we need to bridge the gap between people and science which is what we try to do with our science dissemination activities. We often open our doors to schools so that their students can have a look at what it's like to work as a researcher and to show them that chemistry is fun! As a small research centre we also know that it's hard to have all the equipment and techniques that we want which is why we provide our research services and equipment to other research centres, universities and corporations that might need them.