The MAD-Nano24 program and abstract book are now available online (no printed version will be made available at the venue).
All speakers must check the schedule and read the instructions given below to prepare/present their communication.
1. Plenary Speakers: The plenary speaker will have 40 minutes for presentation followed by 5 minutes discussion period (TOTAL: 45 minutes).
2. Invited Speakers: The presenting author will have 20 minutes to present their results, followed by 5 minutes discussion period (TOTAL: 25 minutes).
3. Oral Presentation: The presenting author will have 15 minutes to present the results, followed by a 5-minute discussion period (TOTAL: 20 minutes).
4. PhD. Student Oral Presentation: The author will have 13 minutes to present the results, followed by a 2 minutes discussion period (TOTAL: 15 minutes).
5. Time Limits: The authors are expected to respect the designated time limits. Before the end of the presentation, each participant will be informed of the remaining time by a card with the following information: (blue Card) 5 minutes (to conclude), (Yellow card) 3 minutes (to conclude), and (Red Card) STOP (the presentation must be stopped).
6. Presentation Files: Speakers should have their presentations on a USB memory stick and deliver them to organizers before the start of each session. Participants were required to check their presentations after downloading. However, it is strongly recommended that they email a copy of the presentation to organizers as a backup. Please prepare the presentation in PPT format only, as it ensures compatibility with our projection and the computer system.
7. Videos in Presentations: If your presentation files contain videos, ensure that they are well-formatted and connected to the main files. You may check your presentation before the session and during coffee breaks (contact the organization).
8. Projector Information: Please note that our projector is equipped with HDMI connection ports only. To ensure a seamless presentation, we ask MAC users to bring their own HDMI adapter cables.
9. Program Confirmation: Once you have received a notification from the organizers before the conference with information about the day and time of the presentation, you should check the final program again to confirm whether any changes have been made to the session and the time of presentation.
10. Q&A Handling: Conference organizers have microphones in the room for Q&A. Anyone wishing to ask questions should raise their hands and wait for the microphone before asking question(s).
Posters have to remain fixed throughout the conference. Attach your poster after the registration.
1. Poster Size: The maximum poster size allowed is 120 cm (height) x 80 cm (width).
2. Attachment Method: Each presenter will be provided with a reusable Blu-Tack adhesive to attach the poster to the board.
3. Poster Placement: See your poster ID in the program and go directly to the designated board.
4. Poster Removal: Presenters must remove their posters during the Saturday coffee break.
DISCLAIMER: Funding for this conference was made possible in part by FCT (Base Fund UIDB/00674/2020), ARDITI and SRECT. Views expressed in written conference materials or in publications, as well as those expressed by speakers and moderators, do not necessarily reflect CQM’s official policies nor does any mention of trade names, commercial practices or organizations imply endorsement by the University of Madeira and Centro de Química da Madeira.
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