We welcome the submission of abstracts for oral or poster presentations on the conference topics listed below (important: we do not exclude abstract submissions for related topics):

Biosynthesis and Biotechnology of Natural Products
Total synthesis and structural elucidation
Cutting edge techniques for the isolation and characterization of phytochemicals
Bioactive components of foods and food supplements
Active metabolites of fungi and bacteria in food production and preservation
Chemical plant-herbivore interaction
Regulation and quality control for the use of natural products in foods, drugs and cosmetics

DISCLAIMER: Funding for this conference was made possible in part by FCT (Base Fund UID/00674/2025), ARDITI and SRECT. Views expressed in written conference materials or in publications, as well as those expressed by speakers and moderators, do not necessarily reflect CQM’s official policies nor does any mention of trade names, commercial practices or organizations imply endorsement by the University of Madeira and Centro de Química da Madeira.

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