Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is our great pleasure to announce that the PSE meeting 2025 will take place in Madeira Island, Portugal, 22-24 October 2025, Meliá Madeira Mare Hotel. 

The theme is “Phytochemicals as drugs, Foods and Biocommunicators” and the meeting aims at bringing together expert scientists, young researchers and students working on exciting discoveries in all aspects of the world of Natural Products, from their biosynthesis, biotransformation and characterization, their use as drugs and prodrugs, their function as bioactive components of foodstuffs, to their role as biocommunicators between micro and/or macroorganisms. Regulation for the use and quality control of phytochemicals in foods and drugs will be addressed as well. 

It is our goal to provide an excellent platform for exchanging ideas, discussing challenges, and setting up new research collaborations. 

Madeira is a small island, home of a 20-million-year-old subtropical forest, the largest surviving area of the laurel forest that once covered the Mediterranean coasts, classified as UNESCO natural world patrimony. Funchal is a trendy and vibrant city, with mild weather conditions all year round, that we hope everybody can enjoy.

Paula Castilho



The Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) of the University of Madeira is instrumental in the implementation of R&D activities in Chemistry and Biochemistry in the Autonomous Region of Madeira by promoting, side by side, postgraduate education, interaction with other National and International R&D Units and supplying services to the scientific and industrial communities. 
Currently, CQM develops its R&D activities in the areas of Natural Products and Materials, each with its own dedicated and multidisciplinary research group across five laboratories.

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The University of Madeira is a Portuguese public university, created in 1988 in Funchal, Madeira. The university offers first, second cycle and Doctorate academic degrees in a wide range of fields, in accordance with the Bologna process.

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DISCLAIMER: Funding for this conference was made possible in part by FCT (Base Fund UID/00674/2025), ARDITI and SRECT. Views expressed in written conference materials or in publications, as well as those expressed by speakers and moderators, do not necessarily reflect CQM’s official policies nor does any mention of trade names, commercial practices or organizations imply endorsement by the University of Madeira and Centro de Química da Madeira.

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