Jean Pierre Majoral

Directeur de Recherche CNRS Emerite - Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination, France

Phosphorus dendrimers: A pachwork of recent applications

Phosphorus dendrimers present fascinating properties and have several applications in different fields of nanomedicine as for example drugs delivery, gene transfection, therapeutic agents, or as drugs themselves to treat cancers, inflammation, neurodegenerative diseases to name as a few. 

The possibility to easily prepare stable neutral, cationic or anionic phosphorus dendrimers of low or high generations offer new perspectives to use them at the chemistry- biology- nanomedicine interfaces and in nanosciences in general.

Several unpublished applications of some of these phosphorus dendrimers will be mentioned in the first part of the lecture: formation of transparent and stable bioplastics, ability to write in water, as well as the use of some of these phosphorus dendrimers to fight against tuberculosis or to treat triple negative breast cancers.

The second part of the presentation will be devoted to the emergence of a new start-up Dendris working in the field of medical molecular diagnosis. The DendrisKIt are in vitro diagnosis medical devices for the fast qualitative molecular detection of bacteria most commonly found in bone and joint infections, the detection of dermatophytes, of legionnelles species etc with many benefits: time saving, improve patient care, robust analysis, security and productivity, adapted to technical platforms, and secure rendering of results.

DISCLAIMER: Funding for this conference was made possible in part by FCT (Base Fund UIDB/00674/2020), ARDITI and SRECT. Views expressed in written conference materials or in publications, as well as those expressed by speakers and moderators, do not necessarily reflect CQM’s official policies nor does any mention of trade names, commercial practices or organizations imply endorsement by the University of Madeira and Centro de Química da Madeira.

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